For whatever reason, when I do a direct recording from the likes of a webcam or another external capture device into an MKV container without any transcoding, the file stops at exactly 2.00GB, and this seems to occur with pretty much any version 3.x version of VLC (I did not try 2.x versions). This is the command I am using:
dshow:// ::dshow-vdev= :dshow-adev= :live-caching=300 --sout=#std{access=file,dst="T:\Test.mkv"}
The 2GB limit does not exist if I use AVI, but in this case recording to AVI keeps giving me corrupted files (which the VideoLAN wiki does warn about), and AFAIK I cannot use any other container because the audio is in PCM and the codec is in some 4:1:1 format that mkvtoolnix identifies as just "DV".
I also verified that it's not just the specific devices I'm recording from since it occurs with other devices on other PCs as well with the same command.
Interestingly this 2GB limit does not occur (at least in VLC 3.0.6) when using the transcode function, but I just want to do a direct rip/dump/recording for now and then do an offline re-encode after-the-fact using a different program at much higher and slower quality settings than I would ever be able to achieve in VLC in real time.
So...what do?