Newbie Steaming Questions

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage

Newbie Steaming Questions

Postby Guest » 08 Jan 2006 17:00

Ok so I am very new at streaming and wanted to setup a basic generic stream so I can watch mp4 files I have on my home machine to my office computer at work. I set up VLC to stream on UDP with port 8080 giving it my network router IP address to broadcast. The stream can be accessed locally on my host computer but then when any other player tries to access outside of my lan, no connection is available and simply times out. So I just wanted to make sure I'm doing everything correct here;

vlc --intf dummy -vvv --sout '#standard{access=udp,url= 2*.**.92.118:8080,sap=true,name="Test Stream"}' --ttl 5 --loop test.avi

Will I need another server to properly stream outside of my lan?

*totally confused* lol

Much help appreciated!

- David


Postby Guest » 08 Jan 2006 22:01

So are you telling me no one has used video lan to broadcast on the internet or knows if this can be done on this whole board?? :O Oh forgot to mention I'm using linux distro


Postby Guest » 10 Jan 2006 21:02

Wow still no response, its crazy not a single person can help me. Just gives me more incentive to make it clear to other people that this software SUCKS. Thanks for the pompus snobby attitude on this board on completely ignoring people with honest questions. Its one thing for a player to be advanced and require complex commands, but entering the commands and for it to still not work then never get any form of response just goes to show how unworthy this software is. Grade F!

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Postby dionoea » 10 Jan 2006 23:42

Many users post many questions every day. We unfortunately can't answer all of those. I'm sure that your question was already answered in another post. Try using this forum's search feature to look for similar posts.

(and yes, private scope ips (like 10.*.*.* or 192.168.*.*) can't be accessed from the internet)
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby Guest » 11 Jan 2006 02:52

Wow thanks for the awnser to my question, doesn't help me at all, cause it seems every person that asks just a basic question on how to stream on the internet doesn't get one f*ing reply. IS IT OR IS IT NOT possible to have a stream going, which once I get to work I can tell VLC to connect to the host and watch the stream, when the host is set to broadcast on itself? I have the ip address and I setup the routing table on my router to allow incoming hosts to my connection. Are their special ports I'm not aware of that need to be assigned??? I'm using port 8080. Maybe you wouldn't have to awnser so many bloody posts if you actually made REAL documentation.

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Postby PeterM » 11 Jan 2006 04:06

You will find many people who love the VLC player and use it a lot.

Well, "guest" I would consider your posts very impolite and rude. You have not even bothered to register properly.

People here write answer in their free time to help each other out, they are not getting paid for it.

The software is free.

The documentation is free.

This forum is free.

You have no "right" to get an answer if you post a question here.

You come along with your questions, demand an answer and if you don't get the answer straight away you react grumpy and angry? Don't understand your attitude.

If you don't like VLC just don't use it - but before you start abusing here write better software or better documentation yourself. Have YOU ever contributed anything to an open source software project?

If everyone would be like you - there would be no open source software and we would have to pay for every piece of software.

No hard feelings. Maybe you just don't know how the open source community works. :wink:
Peter M

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Re: Newbie Steaming Questions

Postby SobriuS » 20 Jan 2006 12:44

vlc --intf dummy -vvv --sout '#standard{access=udp,url= 2*.**.92.118:8080,sap=true,name="Test Stream"}' --ttl 5 --loop test.avi
I use

Code: Select all

--sout '#transcode{vcodec=DIV3,width=640,height=480,acodec=mp3,vb=768,ab=128,channels=2,fps=25,deinterlace}:standard{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,url=:8080}'
This works like a charm, but if you have an internal IP on your LAN computer you need to portforward in your router.

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Postby zprod69 » 20 Jan 2006 14:31

i agree with peter before you get you might consider contribute!
by the way to peter and other people who works to this project:
a big thanks with a warm hug. :oops: :D
check my page!

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