Manage 2 video on a screen with command line

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Manage 2 video on a screen with command line

Postby Sorlags » 18 Jan 2019 10:23


I have 2 video, the first is just a standard video (video.mp4) and the second is a directshow streaming. I need to diffuse the video on the left of my screen and the stream on the right, I have a 16:9 screen also the to video need to bien 4:3. And I will do that with Batch and command line.
I encounter a lot of issues, also I don't know if I use correctly the vlc command line.

my video.mp4 resolution is 1920x1080
my stream resolution is very low (I use an analogical converter, like converter for VHS to digital)

Without border and menu
base command

Code: Select all

vlc video.mp4 --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --crop=4:3 vlc dshow:// --dshow-vdev="Dazzle DVC100 Video" --dshow-adev=None --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --crop=4:3
This command work but the video keep his "standard resolution". My stream is very small on my screen

resize video/alignment left-right
I need the video windows take half of my resolution (note the video)

I add this command

Code: Select all

--width=960 --height=540
The command don't work nothing happens

I add this command

Code: Select all

--align=5 (top-left to video) --align=6 (top right to streaming)
The command don't work nothing happens

manual position
I add this command

Code: Select all

--video-x=-1 --video-y=-1 (video) --video-x=961 --video-y=-1 (stream)
The command work but resolution remain a problem

maybe not embedded video is a problem, also I try with minimal border (no menu)

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Re: Manage 2 video on a screen with command line

Postby Sorlags » 18 Jan 2019 10:24

Minimal border
base command

Code: Select all

vlc video.mp4 --qt-minimal-view --crop=4:3 vlc dshow:// --dshow-vdev="Dazzle DVC100 Video" --dshow-adev=None --qt-minimal-view --crop=4:3
This command work but the video keep his "standard resolution". My stream is very small on my screen. But I can change the resolution with my mouse

resize video/alignment left-right
I add this command

Code: Select all

--width=960 --height=540
I see VLC try to do my command (a black screen with modification appears 1/2sec). But video retake the standard format. The command don't work

I add this command

Code: Select all

--align=5 (top-left to video) --align=6 (top right to streaming)
The command don't work nothing happens

manual position
I add this command

Code: Select all

--video-x=-1 --video-y=-1 (video) --video-x=961 --video-y=-1 (stream)
The command don't work nothing happens

Here the result I need on my screen

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Re: Manage 2 video on a screen with command line

Postby Sorlags » 22 Jan 2019 08:03

Maybe someone know if VLC command line work or not ?

up ...

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Re: Manage 2 video on a screen with command line

Postby #thweiss » 23 Jan 2019 08:20

Hello Sorlags,

have a look into the both cmd-Examples.

1) VLC 32-Bit Version

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --video-x=1 --video-y=1 --qt-start-minimized --no-video-title-show --zoom=0.75 "" start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --video-x=641 --video-y=1 --qt-start-minimized --no-video-title-show --zoom=0.5 --noaudio ""

2) VLC 64-Bit Version

Code: Select all

@echo off start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --video-x=1 --video-y=1 --qt-start-minimized --no-video-title-show --zoom=0.75 "" start "" "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --no-video-deco --no-embedded-video --video-x=641 --video-y=1 --qt-start-minimized --no-video-title-show --zoom=0.5 --noaudio ""

Save the Example with the Notepad-Editor as *.bat File.
Have fun to change the different cmd-Commands in the Example-Scripts.


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Re: Manage 2 video on a screen with command line

Postby Sorlags » 24 Jan 2019 07:40

Hello thweii

I never thought about using the zoom. It works, in any case it allows me to adjust the image to my resolution

Code: Select all

--zoom=0.75 the video is smaller --zoom=1.5 the video is bigger
Now I need just to crop video and it's not a problem, crop works with not embeded video

Code: Select all

--crop=4:3 --crop=1:1

Thank you thweii

EDIT : It's possible to edit the first post and modify the header with tag [SOLVED] ?

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Re: Manage 2 video on a screen with command line

Postby #thweiss » 24 Jan 2019 08:22

Hello Sorlags,

thanks for your Answer.

All Options for the Command-Line are discribe in the Link:

I believe that you have to edit and add [Solved] under "Subject" in the Tread, because it's your Question.


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