Dear everybody,
I had the same problem using VLC and Chromecast. Some people here gave the right solution for Windows but did not give the details, only that it was a HTTP problem. In Windows 10 it is the firewall rule that prevents VLC to properly cast to my chromecast.
The only thing you have to do in the standard Windows firewall is to make an exception for this program!
1. Go to your Windows Defender firewall (if you do not know how to do that ask somebody with the right computer skills to do that for you!!!!
2. Make a new inbound and after that a new outbound rule! The procedure is the same! You need to make a Program Rule
3. Go to the path of your VLC player. In my Windows 10 64 bit version it is: %ProgramFiles%\VideoLan\VLC\vlc.exe or "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
4. Give it a name VLC, apply and enable and you are done with this problem!!
The pictures do not show up, you can find them here!!!AsI7Ji0RGMdPhYwfjux29YOfEARYYQ?e=hjKqa2
Kind regards, Paul