I have 16 media in my playlist
6 of them is video and rest of it ( 10 ) pictures
for videos
Code: Select all
<vlc:item tid="0"/>
<vlc:item tid="1"/>
<vlc:item tid="2"/>
<vlc:item tid="3"/>
<vlc:item tid="4"/>
<vlc:item tid="5"/>
Code: Select all
<vlc:item tid="6"/>
<vlc:item tid="7"/>
<vlc:item tid="8"/>
<vlc:item tid="9"/>
<vlc:item tid="10"/>
<vlc:item tid="11/>
<vlc:item tid="12"/>
<vlc:item tid="13"/>
<vlc:item tid="14"/>
<vlc:item tid="15"/>
6 video 1 picture and loop the videos another picture
so if I done this with xspf I have to repeat the code in track section and when I added new video I have to re range the numbers and add extra <track> in video loop
is there any easy way to explain VLC without repeating the <track>
hey this is the media Location
and you will play
0,1,2,3,4,5 and than X picture
also this my edited XSPF file I tried this but doesnt work ( Edited.xspf )
this is the working one ( Original.xspf )
as you can see over here track code is repeated
but its hard to add content ( Video loop section ) everytime to the track
thanks for reading and help
2000 characters so I cannot paste my playlist here but there you go
Link for xspf https://we.tl/t-3XXWcZdQMz