VLC Stutters for First Few Seconds of Playback

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Nobody III
New Cone
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VLC Stutters for First Few Seconds of Playback

Postby Nobody III » 30 Nov 2018 20:40

When opening audio files with VLC, the first few seconds of playback are usually choppy. This is on a very fast computer, even when I put the files in a ramdisk rather than on my SSD. I have tried tweaking the file caching setting, and I found that 300ms (the default setting) is the best compromise between quality in the first few seconds and quality for the rest of the file. If I go higher, the first few seconds get worse, and if I go much lower, the rest of the audio gets choppy as well. When I open a file when VLC is already open, the stuttering is reduced or goes away, but still sometimes happens. Is there a way to ensure that this doesn't happen, e.g. by waiting for the first second of audio to be decoded before beginning playback?

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