VLC streaserver remote ?

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VLC streaserver remote ?

Postby romeylo » 01 Jan 2006 19:17

Hi and happy new year,
i use the vlc media player to stream my TV wireless from my desktop to my notebook. It works great. But one think i don`t know: is it possible to remote the streamserver so that i cant switch the tv-channels? If yes, please tell me how!

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Postby dionoea » 01 Jan 2006 22:58

you could use the web interface. launch vlc with vlc -I http and connect to http://<ip>:8080/ and you'll have a remote control. I'm currently working on a better web interface. You can try a nightly build ( http://nightlies.videolan.org ) to give it a try.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby romeylo » 02 Jan 2006 22:01

thanks for answer. What ip must i put in? The ip of my network or my inetconnection ( dynamic ip ) or what?
Greetings Roland

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Postby dionoea » 04 Jan 2006 13:36

the ip of your server
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby romeylo » 04 Jan 2006 19:30

Thanks for answer. I get contact but it wan`t work if i want.
If i contact the browser an push next ( for next channel ), on the server will displayed the config for the tv ( Just have a look of the http://home.arcor.de/srmeyer/VLC-Screenshots.pdf.
What is the mistake?
And is there a chance to save the config for tv, so that i mustn`t make all things new if i want to use the VLC?
Greetings Roland



Postby Guest » 05 Jan 2006 22:54

Take a look at this topic


an this site http://members.liwest.at/scoutice/thomas/vlc.htm


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Postby johnnylq » 09 Jan 2006 16:25

Hi dionea
I control the VLM interface with php (cgi)...from a web page. the last one works ok for me, I create diferents progrmas,vod, multicast, unicast, transcodiofication, I chose the video to streaming by web,etc
But I have a litle problem; when I have instaled VLC, appear into
/share/http/ directory a directory followed admin/; I've tried to
understand this code, but it's a litle dificult; for example what the
"host.id","host.host","host.ip" parameters are used for??...I've created and played
diferents programs in the VLM interface; but I didn't see that this
page (admin/index.html) changed.....
Can you tell me if you work with this page???? and works???
I'd like to have control over the vlc, number of conections, statistics, etc.. is ti posible???
..thanks in advance.

ps...Sorry for my english

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