Shoutcast v2 can send album art embedded in a stream, can VLC display it?

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Shoutcast v2 can send album art embedded in a stream, can VLC display it?

Postby stevewa » 17 Aug 2018 21:36


I'm experimenting with sending album art in an Shoutcast stream.

I installed WinAmp, and a winamp plugin "Source DSP" to encode mp3 files to send them to a Shoutcast v2.51 server.
The DSP source encoder is configured to send album artwork embedded in the stream to any client player.

I used VLC 3.0.3 Vetinari to open network stream to localhost:8000 and I can listen to the stream, audio = good.

I can use VLC Messages with Verbosity 2 (debug), but the only messages i see are metadata updates on song changes:
http debug: New Icy-Title=A Guy Called Gerald - Fever (Black Dog Mix)
The log on the shoutcast server show tha tit is "sending" artwork:
2018-08-17 15:24:19 INFO [SRC sid=1] Title update [A Guy Called Gerald - Fever (Black Dog Mix)]
2018-08-17 15:24:19 INFO [SRC sid=1] Playing artwork update [mime=image/jpeg, 33807 bytes]

I know when VLC opens a local mp3 or mp4 file that has album artwork embedded in the file, the album artwork displays in VLC

However, in my experiments, this concept of displaying artowrk embedded in a stream does not appear to be a feature.

Any comments are appreciated, I haven't found much help on the webs about this concept.
I don't know if there are any other players that can display images embedded in a stream, I rate VLC the best player so I thought it would have this capability.

DOH. I love how writing out my question helps the mind think up new ideas!
I had an idea for HTML5 Audio object image, and foudn this javascript library: ... /id3/#demo

It says the frame would be named "APIC/PIC: Attached picture"

Is there anyway to get VLC to be able to debug the contents of that frame?

I'll try that javascript library over the weekend to see if I get anywhere with it...

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