VLC Player : Static UDP port for RTP/RTSP

Feature requests for VLC.

VLC Player : Static UDP port for RTP/RTSP

Postby lapinpoilux » 26 Dec 2005 19:09


Free, a french provider, has just released a new functionaility for the modem triple play (freebox).
The freebox can be used as a RTSP server to send TV channel to a computer behind the modem.
VLC player uses variable UDP ports to communicate with the RTP/RTSP server.
So, as we don't know which UDP port will be used when the server is behind a firewall, a solution is to open all UDP ports...in order to create a security leak.

A french guy has modified the source of the file livedotcom.cpp to integrate static UDP port for RTP communication.
You can find the URL here (in french).

I want to know if this functionality could be integrate in the next release.

Thank you.

Best regards.


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Postby Goon » 27 Dec 2005 11:08

I support this!

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Postby dionoea » 01 Jan 2006 22:46

This recent changeset ( http://trac.videolan.org/vlc/changeset/13838 ) seems to do the same thing. Get a nightly from http://nightlies.videolan.org to try it out.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby alouali » 02 Jan 2006 13:32

I also want this !
I hope it will be included in next vlc version. I'm a free client, and I cannot compile or open my firewall.

Many thanks


Postby Alf_fr » 11 Jan 2006 11:46

Hi everyone!

First, Happy new year !
And keep on doing this very good works !

As lapinpoilux, i'm interested by the same feature, but would it be possible to enter a range of port (and not only one port because it would say that many sessions of vlc have to be started in order to watch differents channels).
As vlc use randoms ports, it sometimes intefers with others ports.

Thanks !

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