Videolan TV-Streaming and remote channel changing SUCCESSFUL

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage


Postby PeTer » 16 Nov 2005 19:32

I have send you an email Thomas, Thanks for the quick reply.
And yes everthing else works great..!!!!!

I was wondering if you are stil devolping this , think i read somewhere you want to include the translation file in the ini???

For now i have translated the most things by hand to Dutch....but i know now that if you dont know php a litle bit its difficult to do it all.....
Just wondering, so keep up us up to date .......


just tv-streaming?

Postby Dotis » 16 Nov 2005 19:35

It is possible to stream tv to LAN (10-100-1000) from a tv cart with vlc?
And if yes how?
I try to do it multicast but not working.....
Maybe i do some mistake....
Or maybe the switches dont want to send the data....
If someone can help....!!!!!

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Postby Dotis » 16 Nov 2005 20:01

What about DVB? Can i stream live satelite tv to my LAN?


YES you can

Postby PeTer » 16 Nov 2005 21:35

Yes al the things you want are posible with VLC

About the multicast : i think its a config pro in the swithc try http ore unicast first to test if this works after config your switc to let muticast data tru how to do this i dont know but i you do a search on the forum you wil find enouge h info about your qeustions.......i have been reading for 3 days and found al i wanted to know..

Btw i am using VLC with a Hauppage usb Wintv extern to watch tv over my wifi at home on every pc ore laptop


Thanx Thomas

Postby PeTer » 16 Nov 2005 23:14

Thanx Thomas for the support, the adding works but now i can do that i found another thing.

The scheduler does not work, when i copy past the msg shown at the page into a dos box i get the error that the syntax is wrong. when i only take the last part that starts the php script it works , but when i take the first part with al the variabels for schtasks it returns the same error.



Re: Thanx Thomas

Postby PeTer » 16 Nov 2005 23:33

Thanx Thomas for the support, the adding works but now i can do that i found another thing.

The scheduler does not work, when i copy past the msg shown at the page into a dos box i get the error that the syntax is wrong. when i only take the last part that starts the php script it works , but when i take the first part with al the variabels for schtasks it returns the same error.

I mean the error it returns is : wrong syntax

Btw i was trying this : i have added an option for my usb webcam in the source section but i noticed that the channel and tuner info are also send to vlc. This is not working with my cam is there a workaround this, and maybe a nice option to add .

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Postby Dotis » 17 Nov 2005 12:03

I try to multicast a video file and it is working well.
The problem starts when i try to multicast live tv or satelite tv.

I use VLC 0.8.2.
When i try to multicast tv or satelite , the switch light a red Alarm (!) .
In 3com Gigabit 5 , "LED Indicators Alert LED (Orange) Alerts you to excessive network use or an isolated (partitioned) 10BASE-T and
100BASE-TX port."

Any solutions or any ideas in this?


Postby Guest » 18 Nov 2005 01:03


netstat -gn

may be


Sorry i have to show this

Postby PeTer » 19 Nov 2005 03:34

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Postby scoutice » 19 Nov 2005 17:06

does ist work now (the scheduler) or not? if not, can you please send me the complete error message.

in the next 2 days I'll integrate the bugfix for peter's bugreport in the official release.
This then will be version 0.3f



Postby DanceScape » 20 Nov 2005 19:01

Hi everyone,
Just discovered VLC and this forum. I am not a "technical" person so if you could help me understand ...

I am trying to find an alternate way to stream our dance videos (as well as have our members contribute dance videos).

Currently, we embed Flash files (e.g., http://www.dancescape.TV) ... but we would really like to be able to create simple streaming solution. We would also like to enable people to view our videos over cell phones.

Is there a way using what you have done here that someone can help us figure out how to do this. Basically, we would like the videos to be able to be viewed/streamed like we do on http://www.dancescape.TV, but that they can also view/stream by selecting various videos (and that they can subscribe RSS, or just view in one step like clicking on the video screen shot).

Thanks for any help!


Sheduler error

Postby PeTer » 20 Nov 2005 20:12


The sheduler doesnt work.
In the top of the page i can see the command it sends to the scheduler.
If i copy paste the part with the starttime in a dos box it returns a syntax error. If i copy paste the part with starts the php scripts it works.

If i copy paste the complete shown command ( in a dosbox C:\wamp\www\Webinterface\schtasks.exe /Create /ru system /sc once /sd 20/11/2005 /st 20:00:00 /tn rec_start1 /tr "C:\wamp\php\php-cgi.exe C:\wamp\www\Webinterface\vcrstart.php rec_id=1" ) it returns also a syntax error.

Hope this helps, you can also mail me so i can give you access to my page and see it for yourself.


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Can you implemend this ?

Postby peterhoed » 22 Nov 2005 21:20


Thanx for all the support,
Its working fine but have 1 question : can you please add a function to the sheduler so i can record only sound from my soundcard.


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Postby scoutice » 29 Dec 2005 02:20

this should be no big deal. a co-worker of mine is currently extending the scripts, so it will be working with the dreambox as well. i'll put your idea on the todo-list for the next release.

do you think i'll create an opensource project e.g. at sourceforge?

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Postby peterhoed » 30 Dec 2005 21:20

Hey Thomas,

I think thats a good idee to put it on sourceforge,
I´d really like an linux version and that could be a good start to get in contact with some programmers. At the moment the scripts are functional for me but maby someone thinks up some other nice function.
I use the scripts a lot because we do have an good inet connection here and no stattelite disc or kabel tv not even normal mains power :) and so i can watch tv from home.

Greetz from Peter

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Postby scoutice » 31 Dec 2005 13:19

i am currently thinking of writing a java-application containing a small webserver and providing these web-pages, so there is no need for a webserver and php anymore. with a small java-frontend for configuration. this should be no big deal.
what do you think of this idea? when using java, it will also run under linux.

greetings. thomas

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Great idee

Postby peterhoed » 02 Jan 2006 17:29

I think thats a great idee Thomas.
I have no problems with installing a linux version from scratch with all the services so that wont be a problem for me....the only reason i want a linux version is so i dont have to use a winxp sys for my router but can switch to a linux distro....
Im not really into java programming or php programming but i like the idea of crossplatform use of your scripts......

Happy newyear



Hello together

Postby Guest » 05 Jan 2006 15:08

Thank you for your scripts!!

They work very fine!!

Is it possible to integrate a channel switch only? In the momment you have to stop an play again.

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Change Channel

Postby Guest » 05 Jan 2006 15:22

Ok i found it .... only change the channel and press "play" again .... it changes the channel on the VLC player but the browser shows me the following error "CGI-Fehler
Die angegebene CGI-Anwendung hat keinen vollständigen Satz von HTTP-Headern zurückgegeben."

Then i have to go manually back to the Startpage ...

any helps??

Same happens when i stop vlc streaming .... vlc stopps, but the same error is coming ...

Sorry for my bad english :)

PS: streaming from VLC to vlc with udp ...

Windows Smallbusiness Server 2003 SP1
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Probs with German Channel List

Postby ghostzapper » 11 Jan 2006 12:30


first of all thank you for this excellent tutorial. Everything works fine except that i have problems with the German cable channels.

Here is my list from the config file, i started with 14 channels in Lower Saxony (Kabel Niedersachsen):
$channel_nr[0] =16 ; $channel_name[0] = "MTV";
$channel_nr[1] =21 ; $channel_name[1] = "KiKa";
$channel_nr[2] =26 ; $channel_name[2] = "VIVA";
$channel_nr[3] =40 ; $channel_name[3] = "Das 4te";
$channel_nr[4] =27 ; $channel_name[4] = "RTL";
$channel_nr[5] =24 ; $channel_name[5] = "Sat1";
$channel_nr[6] =30 ; $channel_name[6] = "Pro7";
$channel_nr[7] =20 ; $channel_name[7] = "RTL2";
$channel_nr[8] =17 ; $channel_name[8] = "VOX";
$channel_nr[9] =35 ; $channel_name[9] = "Kabel1";
$channel_nr[10] =36 ; $channel_name[10] = "NBC";
$channel_nr[11] =1 ; $channel_name[11] = "ARD";
$channel_nr[12] =3 ; $channel_name[12] = "ZDF";
$channel_nr[13] =4 ; $channel_name[13] = "NDR";

The porblem is, that i can choose ARD, ZDF and NDR but when i choose a different channel than these, i neither get a picture nor sound. The channel numbers are correct, at least they work when i enter them manualy in the tuner options dialogue.

Any idea ore a working german channel list?

Thanks in advance


The Problem has resolved by itself. No need for a solution anymore :)



Postby fsenes » 11 Jan 2006 18:21

can you describe a bit on how would this be possible ?
which part do I change ?

since I really would like try out your program but I dont have a tv card or whatsoever
you do not have to change anything, just put your files you want to play in the streaming subfolder. however, if you are used to php you can just remove the parts.
i will extend the next version, so you just can disable/enable all parts of the scripts.
->wap interface for videorecorder
->live tv
->files on harddisk

greetings, thomas
Great job !
As you may stream 'files on hard disk' it should be possible to stream subtitles too I guess. I was able to sout subtitles locally but could not succeed to stream them to my dreambox. Any idea pls

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Postby peterhoed » 12 Jan 2006 19:10

Hey everyone,

I see the scripts are getting the attention, i believe it needs and deserves.
They are still working great for me and i was wondering if Scoutice has made it available, or will be making it available on sourceforge.

Keep up the good work!!!!

Peter Hoed


Postby nanobit » 19 Jan 2006 14:22

Hello again

After a long period with Microsoft IIS as webserver i changed to apache2 an the above Problems are gone :)


i have changed the sorting of the html page because the site is very big:
1: Quelle
2: Buttons (Functions)
3: Streaming
4: Quality Settings

thank you very much!

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Postby scoutice » 31 Jan 2006 21:18

that's good, when it works. sorry for being idle in the last weeks, but currently i have really much work to do.
the java and sourceforge-idea is still alive, but at the moment i cannot realize it, because i cannot afford the needed time-

many greetings from austria.
Thomas / ScoutIce


stick with PHP

Postby jdinkel » 05 Feb 2006 05:42

Please stick with PHP. I'm not a fan of java apps (as opposed to PHP anyways).

I'm really just posting to let everyone know, if they want an easy webserver with PHP, try out XAMPP from apachefriends. Its easy and awesome.

One idea: how about setting up a "configuration" webpage that users can open for the first time and use it to set the things in the configuration.ini file. Additionally, these settings could be saved in a MySQL database (also installed by XAMPP).

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