Hi I'm quite new here and don't know all the rules, I'll try learn as I go, so if I have made a mistake I apologise in advance.
Anyway, from my limited search of the forums and of the web I have reached no answer, so here I am.
Device: iPad 4 (iOS 10.3.3)
VLC Version: 3.0.3
Problem: I have a Linux server running Samba. I watch videos on the server on the iPad and it plays completely fine. Unfortunately, if I leave the app or lock the device, VLC is unable to continue playing the video or close the file and crashes.
Reproducing the problem: SMB server. Play video. Pause video. Lock device. Wait 10 seconds. Unlock device. Press play. Crash.
Logcat: (I'll looking into providing one)
Any ideas?
I was thinking that VLC loses the server credentials and needs to be re-logged into SMB, but can only do so manually so it crashes. I'm no expert, simply a guess.