subtitles packed with rar

Feature requests for VLC.

subtitles packed with rar

Postby matteo » 02 Mar 2004 22:13

please can you add for subtitles that are packed with rar ?

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 03 Mar 2004 02:08

my suggestion is to unpack them. However since most of these are actualy vobsub subtitles, which VLC doesn't really support well alltogether, i don't think there is any use atm.
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yes, but...

Postby matteo » 03 Mar 2004 12:18

yes, the subtitles are vobsub. I was asking for this feature because I've read on this forums that you are working on vobsub support (maybe it will be ready for 0.7.2 ?) and yes, I can unpack the subtitles, but I usually view them directly from cdroms, so this feature is really usefull for me.
so please implement this :wink:

Big Cone-huna
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Postby Sigmund » 03 Mar 2004 17:20

As far as I know, there are no open source implementations of the rar algorithm, and no public documentation to implement one. And to top it all out, there are patents involved. I don't think it is likly to be implemented any time soon



Postby matteo » 03 Mar 2004 18:22

well, there are patents on mpeg2, isn't it ? so why complaining about patents for rar compression algorithm (please don't take it wrong, it's only that i don't understand your objections). imho the real problem is that there isn't an open source unrar utility, but you can always detect if rar or unrar library are already installed and use them, that should be no problem. as an example you can search for unrar.dll in the vlc directory under windows or for the rar executable in the PATH under unix, and use that.


Postby LaGaFFe » 22 Nov 2004 10:53

I'm looking for this feature too. By one hand to read the sub files on cd without decompressing. And by other hand to don't need to decompress them on hd (Yes, I'm lazy). Most of idx/sub files are compressed in rar of about 100 or 200 KB, and uncompressed they take like 10 MB!

PS: The rar algorythm isn't free, but just the use of it to decompress files is.

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Postby Thongsai » 28 Nov 2004 00:49

ditto.. i would like this also.. i download alot of asian movies that have subs in .rar and .idx.. my other player adds subs fine.. video lan doesnt support this.. this is the only reason vlc is not my main player.

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