Looking for vlc 0.8.4 + mozilla plugin rpms for fedora 4

*nix specific usage questions

Looking for vlc 0.8.4 + mozilla plugin rpms for fedora 4

Postby houtsma » 24 Dec 2005 18:11


I am looking for mozilla firefox VLC plugin rpms. Preferably the latest rpms. I was able to find 0.8.2 rpms on livna but the plugin for firefox didn't play my avi and wmv clips but only mpg version. I need support for all three. I was hoping that the latest release might support all formats but i can't find rpms for 0.8.4 anywhere. mplayer2 plugin did do the job but i want VLC in my firefox browser!

With the freshrpms 0.8.4 rpm for FC4 VLC didn't automatically show up in my FF browser. Don't know why. I saw it is compiled with the --mozilla option, but that rpm probably doesn't install the plugin files to the browser plugin directory??

Thanks, jan

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