Jan 30th update ".srt subtitles are being displayed again"

iOS, iPad, iPhone, tvOS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 58
Joined: 25 May 2015 14:18

Jan 30th update ".srt subtitles are being displayed again"

Postby Steamywee » 07 Feb 2018 16:22

How can I view subtitles?
I have posted this same query here in various forms over the last three years and received no helpful response.
The update issued on January 30th to VLC for Mobile has tempted me to try again since it proclaimed ".srt subtitles are being displayed again"

As we are still in the Pantomime season, I will respond in the time honored fashion "OH NO THEY'RE NOT!" :lol:

I am attempting to watch iPlayer content downloaded using GetiPlayer which gives me two files, one is the video MP4 file, and the other is the associated ".srt" file containing the subtitles.

Playing the MP4 File on my PC with VLC, has always displayed the subtitles faultlessly.

However, playing the same file on my iPad plays the video totally devoid of any trace of the subtitles, just as it always has.

I would add that due to the niggardly amount of RAM that iPads are issued with, I am unable to store my video content on the tablet, and access it via a WiFi connected USB device which holds both the MP4 files and the associated srt files.

Can someone PLEASE help me to view the subs using this method on my iPad??

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