I used the "Vidéo - H. 264 + MP3 (MP4)" profile from the interface to convert a .m3u8 stream in a MP4 file on HDD.
The result is about 14 MB, and a thumbnail preview appears instead of the icon of VLC in the folder.
I tried to use the command line to get the same result, but I only manage to obtain a vidéo which weight is about 50 MB and without any thumbnail.
Here is the command line I used after looking at parameters in VLC :
Code: Select all
vlc.exe http://example.com/stream.m3u8 :sout=#transcode{venc=x264{profile=high,preset=ultrafast,tune=film,level=0},vb=0,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100} :std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst=PATH+FILENAME}
My file data rate is about 1340 Kbits/s and the file generated with the profile from the interface is about 245 Kbits/s.
Does someone know how I could get the exacts parameters to transcode the vidéo the way the profile does (and for the thumbnail too) ?
I checked the vlc-help.txt file, the Wiki and Google during hours, but with no luck
Thanks for your help