over the last few years i have been keeping a playlist up to date for some adult phone chat channels in the uk for the lads on the ukbabechannels forum, as it is a much smoother and more consistent viewing experience than watching on the websites.
recently some channals have switched over to html5 player rather than flash for its reduced overhead to help combat the stuttering the streams suffer due to loading.
i would like to keep the list going, but at the moment i cant get the html5 streams to play for some reason. the play bar just gets a yellow bar traveling back and forth as it tries and fails to play the streams.
currently i use the m3u format. [ip:port/playpath/streamname/playlist.m3u] for the flash streams. and it works well so my question is.
is there a specific format for html5 or a lua i can use to decode the streams?.
yeah i know EWW PERVY!. but the reality is these channels exist, people watch em and my playlist is popular, so as i said i would like to keep it going..
and yes the channels know the playlist exist and have never objected to it being used.
(they sponsor and advertise on the forum so they could tell me to remove it if they wanted it gone)