ITunes and VLC (DAAP protocol)

Feature requests for VLC.

ITunes and VLC (DAAP protocol)

Postby Tirsh » 18 Dec 2005 11:36


I ask on this forum a question that appears ont the Windows Forum ( viewtopic.php?t=12490 )because it seems to be a more general issue.

Is there a problem with daap protocol to be compiled or integrated in vlc ?

Lots of people are using ITunes and this feature would be really appreciated !

It seems to work on the MacOSX platform, but I read that it was the original daap library and therefore there are licencing problems.

What about a free version of lib daap ? It appears in the source but nobody succeed to compile it neither on windows or on Linux.

What is the problem with this library ? Lot of users want to know !

Thanks by advance guys :)

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Postby fkuehne » 18 Dec 2005 17:26

The licensing problem with the daap-library in question was fixed various months ago, so we are able to use it on OSX and Windows. It was just forgotten to be included for the Win32-variant of 0.8.4*. It will hopefully return in 0.8.5. We've got it on our list :)
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.


Postby Tirsh » 18 Dec 2005 19:18

Thanks for your answer !
Could it be possible to include daap support in the nightlies versions of vlc 0.8.5 for testing ?
I make a bridge with the developpers of the "freeplayer" implementation, a multimedia player for the ISP free, and that improvement could make possible for many "free" users to play their itunes lists on TV via vlc and the freeplayer !

Iwait for your answer :)

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Postby fkuehne » 19 Dec 2005 21:34

I've re-opened ticket #300. It will hopefully be fixed by one of the Win32 people soon, but I can't promise anything. I'm on OSX myself and can't solve this problem.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.


Postby Tirsh » 20 Dec 2005 14:38

Thank you for that, i keep an eye on it !


Postby Jedi » 03 Jan 2006 01:36

Happy new year!

Have you made any progress with DAAP yet? :)

Anything one could help you with?

Thx! marc

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Postby xtophe » 03 Jan 2006 18:10

As i said on the windows thread (and lately in the Trac ticket), Daap doesn't compile on win32 due to the network API being different between *nix and windows.

So until someone has time to port Daap to win32, ...


Postby Tirsh » 05 Jan 2006 13:58

Thank you, the problem is now clearly identified.

For the linux version of VLC, the integration of the DAAP protocol has been done for the 0.8.4 version or there is another problem ?

Big Cone-huna
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Postby xtophe » 05 Jan 2006 14:06

Depends if the maintaner for your distro included it.


Postby Tirsh » 05 Jan 2006 20:33

I mean there is no problem on the linux platform to compile DAAP protocol into vlc ?

Did someone tried to do it ?

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Postby fkuehne » 05 Jan 2006 23:30

As far as I remember, that feature was actually added by a person who is working on Linux only, so compiling that certain feature should be really straight-forward (build the library -> install it -> enable the correct flag when running VLC's configure-script -> build the rest of VLC -> enjoy it).
Note that building the rest of VLC is actually the hardest step, so you probably want to look for binary packages for your distro first before trying to do such a build on your own. Compiling VLC isn't just ./bootstrap && ./configure && make. You will need a bunch of different libraries and various configure-flags.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.


Postby Tirsh » 06 Jan 2006 13:39


I got a linux box. I'm going to install a binary package of vlc for test.

On the ticket #300, it is written
"The whole networking part of openDaap use the unix type API. So someone as to add the win API and all the #ifdef before we can use it. and i don't have those skills "
I'm going to contact a friend specialized in this platform for multimedia.
Hope he will adapt it easily :)

What file(s) exactly are to be modified ? I downloaded the source and 4 files contains daap :
Is there other files to modify (reference to windows api...) ?

Thanks for your help.

Big Cone-huna
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Postby xtophe » 06 Jan 2006 14:26

It's the source of daap which need to be modified. not VLC.

Until those change get integrated in daap, they can be store in extras/contrib/src/Patches/daap.patch

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Postby bob303 » 12 Jan 2006 23:20

Here are some details about the problem:

On Windows (cygwin) the error comes from the file http_client.c (in both versions 0.3.0 and 0.4.0). All other files seem to be ok.

I think the problem starts with the compiler not getting the right OS flags (e.g. SYSTEM_WIN32) passed. This results in the wrong files being included and symbols not being found. Me and my friends have been messing around with http_client.c A LOT – still we couldn’t get it to work.

We set the SYSTEM_WIN32 manually and added all missing header files to our test system. The core of the problem seems to be related to the socket bindings (using winsocks) in http_client.c

The thing is: The code might not even be flawed. There may just be some more headers missing, we don’t know of.

I bet, for a C-guru that has been working with winsock before it will be a matter of a few minutes to find a solution to this problem.
Once http_clinet.c is fixed and libopendaap does compile under Cygwin or MinGW it can instantly be integrated into VLC.

@Tirsh: If you know people that are skilled c++ programers, just email me at xrc(at) and I'll help you get to the bottom if this issue...

@xtophe: You might wanna update the ticked and remove "The whole networking part of openDaap use the unix type API" from the description. libopendaap 0.4.0 is capable of using winsock which is NOT a unix-type API..

@all: If there is anyone else out there willing to help us please DO NOT HESITATE to contact me!! Yes, I'm talking to YOU! ;)


Postby Tirsh » 15 Jan 2006 21:32

Ok Bob303 : I'm gona contact this friend.
Keep in touch :)


Postby Tirsh » 27 Apr 2006 13:39

It seems the problem does not come form the daap library but rather than the cygwin compiler.
I contacted the developpers of cygwin on february but it seems that it's not a priority for them...

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