As I finally got a MacBookPro with TouchBar, I would like to have Controls in the Touchbar during Playback.
At least controls for Play/Pause, FF, FR, and next and previous item analogous to the controls you have on the screen.
But there are even more possibilities, depending of avaliable options like switching audio channels, a scrubber, display controls, deinterlacer selection etc.
For playlists the TouchBar could even show preview images of the playlist items...
I would support you with these efforts with some kind guidance from your side (maybe creating a ticket for further discussions), but so far I was not able to build VLC locally on my machine and trying it again and avain is quite time consuming as cloning the repository is awfully slow.
I also was curious, wether the TouchBar is useful or not, esp. as I have an external keyboard for improved ergonomics, but it turns out to be really usefull amd smart, if done right.