RTSP Streaming Quality is Poor. (iOS ONLY)

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RTSP Streaming Quality is Poor. (iOS ONLY)

Postby xorthias » 26 Sep 2017 20:13

Hello VLC community.

I am working on a demo for streaming video through LAN to any device that wishes to see it. I am broadcasting a 1920x1080@60 signal through a CRESTRON DM-TXRX-100-STR and tapping into the live stream with VLC on multiple devices.

When I use the desktop client (OSX) or Android mobile device, the feed is flawless. Little to no latency, quality is amazing. This is also alternating between wifi and ethernet on the desktop connection, meaning I have the same quality on both. (good)

The iOS version of VLC, however, seems to have something severely lacking in performance. I am running the app on both an iPhone 7+ 128GB, and an iPad2. (Unsure of size) There are digital artifacts, the picture isn't fully loaded at times, and all together unusable.

I have contacted VLC via email, but I figured the community would be quicker at dispelling this issue.

Thank you for your time!

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