Postby iran-fierce-palatine » 30 Sep 2017 01:19
I just wanted to chime in and inform the maintainers that I have also run into this issue. The severity of this issue is random. I've had files that I can seek a little bit and files that cannot seek at all. This issue seems to be only present when I'm using the seek bar while a file is playing. When I swipe right to fast forward 30s, I can continuously do so until the end of the file. It doesn't matter if the file is 3h or 10m, it can happen to any file.
Sometimes when it is unable to seek, I can return to the main menu and play a file again. I had one instance where the app was completely unresponsive and I had to close the app via multi-tasking before I could return to the main menu.
It started occurring to me as soon as I updated to iOS 11 (iPhone 6S Plus). I have updated to iOS 11.0.1 and the issue persists. Prior to that, on iOS 10, I have never encountered this issue. I believe my app is up-to-date. All my files have been converted using handbrake into mp4.