Malayalam Sub font rendering issue with 16.04

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New Cone
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Malayalam Sub font rendering issue with 16.04

Postby Reju » 30 Aug 2017 05:05

Malayalam subs are not rendering properly for me with VLC for Ubuntu 16.04. I have set srt file and VLC preferences to UTF-8, using a Malayalam font in preferences etc. But the fonts are not rendering properly while played during video ( works fine with subtitle editor and other apps ). Just to add, Malayalam is a popular language in Southern India. I am attaching screen shot and VLC preferences

Would be great if someone can help me fix this issue.

Edit :

Just tested. Works well with SM Player

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Re: Malayalam Sub font rendering issue with 16.04

Postby InTheWings » 30 Aug 2017 10:17

The problem is to fix that kind of issue, you need to be able to understand what is wrong.
And without reading Malayalam, there's no chance from a single screenshot.

You'll need to explain further
:!: If you want your problem to be solved :
* First read troubleshooting guide VSG:Main
* Always provide verbose LOGS ! (command line or from gui)
* Always check your issue against a developer build from Nightly Build of VLC
* Tell us when your problem is solved !

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VLC version: crashing
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Re: Malayalam Sub font rendering issue with 16.04

Postby InTheWings » 30 Aug 2017 10:17

And you need to try VLC 3.0 first, where lots or rendering fixes have been done.
:!: If you want your problem to be solved :
* First read troubleshooting guide VSG:Main
* Always provide verbose LOGS ! (command line or from gui)
* Always check your issue against a developer build from Nightly Build of VLC
* Tell us when your problem is solved !

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