Apple TV - Media Scrolling

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Apple TV - Media Scrolling

Postby TheHozOpp1 » 16 Aug 2017 00:04

For VLA Media Player on Apple TV (4th Generation):

When I scroll up or down quickly, a side scroll bar shows up and allows me to scroll quickly through a long list of files. This is great, but the “cursor” now focuses on the scroll bar, and when I have reached where I want to be in the media list, I can no longer select the file I wish to play. Any movement on the remote continues scrolling up or down.

I cannot scroll to the left (the scroll bar is on the right side of the screen) to choose the media file from the listing. If I press the menu button, it moves to a folder higher in the folder hierarchy. Pressing Play does nothing.

How do I get the “cursor” to focus back on the media files so I can select what I want to play?

Thanks in advance.

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