display video title

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display video title

Postby dauddua » 31 Jul 2017 12:58

Iam currently making a simple project, playing video. what i want to ask is :
how do i display the video title ? after i play a video, it got no method/properties
and iam trying another way, i see there's no mouse hover/move event at all.
how do i approach this ? so when everytime i hover to the axvlcplugin2 / vlc control it show title video just like the toolbar

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Re: display video title

Postby da2424 » 01 Aug 2017 10:08

You can get some info of the video (like the title) over the mediaDescription object:
https://wiki.videolan.org/index.php?tit ... ion_Object

That's true, currently there aren't events for mouse events. In browsers, you can use the windowless mode, but it isn't available for ActiveX yet.

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