Hi, I am using VLC for playing films at a film festival type event. I have the transport controls and playlist on the laptop monitor and want to playback full screen onto a video projected, connected as a second monitor.
I just cant get it to work. If I simply drag the playback window to the projector and fullscreen it. It plays first video OK but then fullscreens the second video on the laptop monitor.
I have tried using directX and selecting \\DISPLAY 2 with kind of works but does not maximise correctly. I get the videos not using the full screen hight and the playback window spiller over to the laptop monitor. If I doble click to get fullscreen it works but the next video in the playlist has the same problem.
Been frighting with this for months. Others seem to be having same problem but no solution. Thought I would ask here before abandoning VLC, whit in all other ways is great.