How VLC verifies the digital signature updates?

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How VLC verifies the digital signature updates?

Postby Faunris » 29 Aug 2012 10:18

I create my assembly VLC native and want to change the update server on its own.
I have already created the PGP keys, but do not know which system to sign all files.
Tell us what keys and signing the file describing the release and the file with the update please.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: How VLC verifies the digital signature updates?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 29 Aug 2012 12:18

read doc/release-HOWTO.txt
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: How VLC verifies the digital signature updates?

Postby student13 » 26 May 2017 04:51

Hello, I have a question and comment relating to this thread on VLC. I have just downloaded VLC for Ubuntu.
I am having difficulty finding the string of code that you need to put into ubuntu terminal , to download the keys to
verify VLC 2.2.6 , ( May 2017 version). I will try to explain :

1. What I did
2. What I could not understand
3. What suggestions/improvements need to be made so noobs like me can understand .

1. What I did
I entered this into terminal [br]sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 6BCA5E4DB84288D9[/b]

Executing: /tmp/tmp.3jwpOcDBLW/ --keyserver
gpg: key 6BCA5E4DB84288D9: "VideoLAN APT Signing Key <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1

Then I tried entering this code :
gpg --verify '/home/owner/Desktop/vlc-2.2.6.tar.xz.asc' '/home/owner/Desktop/vlc-2.2.6.tar.xz.sha256'

gpg: Signature made Wed 24 May 2017 09:08:28 AM EDT
gpg: using DSA key 7180713BE58D1ADC
gpg: Can't check signature: No public key

gpg --list-keys --with-fingerprint B84288D9

gpg: error reading key: No public key

I cannot seem to download keys from the keyserver , there needs to be better instructions about this.

2. What I could not understand

Ok, this is a little too complicated for stupids like me:

Tarballs (Use a clean tree !!!)
- Use 'make distcheck' to make sure all files are exported correctly
- copy the tar.xz file on
- generate SHA, MD5 hashes and OpenPGP signature of these files :
for file in vlc*; do
for sum in md5 sha1 sha256; do
${sum}sum --binary $file > $file.$sum
gpg -sb -u VideoLAN\ Release --armor --force-v3-sigs $file

I could not understand this .......... If you want a good example of how to explain this look at the folloowing below

3. What a good example of explaining to people how to verify the download :

This is an EXCELLENT example of how to explain to people how to download and verify their download.

Terminal commands and keyservers and how to list and verify them are written so the average user can understand.
Remmeber not everyone is at teh same level as developpers.

PS : does sudo apt-get install VLC, do verifications for you ???????


PS Je parle francais, si le daemon ou un auteur du logicel veut repondre en francais c'est correcte , merci.
Last edited by student13 on 26 May 2017 05:05, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: How VLC verifies the digital signature updates?

Postby student13 » 26 May 2017 05:02

Mais, maudit, les insturction dans le txt est vraiment complex.

New Cone
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Re: How VLC verifies the digital signature updates?

Postby student13 » 05 Jun 2017 05:59


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: How VLC verifies the digital signature updates?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 Jun 2017 09:43

Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

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