How to use ibvlc_media_new_callbacks

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How to use ibvlc_media_new_callbacks

Postby aurquiel » 15 Mar 2017 16:09


I was searching around the internet but there are not good examples about using libvlc_media_new_callbacks from stream from an array of data

I am developing a software to play packets form an USB Device on Linux. I actually get to play the data but saving in a file that constantly grows up, that's the problem the file could consume the hard drive if you are reproducing it for a long time, for 48 min of Video i got a file of 10GB, the packets are TS (transport stream packets) so in a single frequency i have 6 programs ID, I just saying in that file of 10GB i have 6 different channels.

Lets see the callback function of the code USB receiving, in that callback function i get the buffer with the data. (I am using Libusb, this function is doing by a thread just receive data, the play is doing in the main thread application)

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//Global variables std::ofstream variable_archivo_TS ("data.ts"); //File to write the BTS frame const int tamanio_buffer=1024; //Size of the buffer 240Kb 245760 unsigned char MPEG2_TS[tamanio_buffer]; //Buffer to receive int contador_evitar_basura=0; static void funcion_de_llamda_leer_transferencia_usb(struct libusb_transfer *transferencia_usb_2) { int res; if(transferencia_usb_2->status ==LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED) { std::cout<<"Transferencia completa"<<std::endl; //Mostar la siguiente advertencia } else { std::cout<<"Error: "<<transferencia_usb_2->status<<std::endl; //Mostar la siguiente advertencia } contador_evitar_basura++; //Incrementar contador_evitar_basura //If glbal_counter > 2 write to a file, this to avoid the trash in the first transmissions if (contador_evitar_basura>2) variable_archivo_TS.write( (char *)transferencia_usb_2->buffer, tamanio_buffer); res = libusb_submit_transfer(transferencia_usb_2); //Realizar unanueva transferencia if(res !=0) { std::cout<<"submitting. error code: "<<res<<std::endl; //Mostar la siguiente advertencia } }
//This line of the code is where a write to the file.

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if (contador_evitar_basura>2) variable_archivo_TS.write( (char *)transferencia_usb_2->buffer, tamanio_buffer);
In the frontend to play it i wait 1.5 seconds to fill the file, serach the directory and path to the file, add the media and play the file

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SemcoSleep(1500); //Esperar 1,5 segundo para llenar un poco el archivo .TS //Obteniendo el directorio donde se encuentra el archivo a reproducir Comienzo char directorio_actual_de_trabajo[200000]; //Tamaño del buffer donde guardar el directorio getcwd(directorio_actual_de_trabajo, sizeof(directorio_actual_de_trabajo)); //Rellena el buffer con el directorio actual de trabajo std::string direccion_archivo_vlc=directorio_actual_de_trabajo; //Se guarda en un string direccion_archivo_vlc="file://"+direccion_archivo_vlc+"/data.ts"; //Se modifica el string para hacerlo compatible con la direccion tomada por libvlc //Obteniendo el directorio donde se encuentra el archivo a reproducir Fin libvlc_media_t *media; //Se crea la variable media media = libvlc_media_new_location(instancia_vlc, &direccion_archivo_vlc[0u]); //fill media libvlc_media_add_option(media,funcion_leer_id()); //Se coloca el Id del canal deseado a reproducir libvlc_media_player_set_media(reproductor, media); //Se coloca el medio media en el reporductor libvlc_media_player_play(reproductor); //Reproducir
The question is i could use this function

LIBVLC_API libvlc_media_t* libvlc_media_new_callbacks ( libvlc_instance_t * instance,
libvlc_media_open_cb open_cb,
libvlc_media_read_cb read_cb,
libvlc_media_seek_cb seek_cb,
libvlc_media_close_cb close_cb,
void * opaque

In the callback read pass the buffer of 1024bytes incoming through the usb transfer rather than write it to a file

But i can find any code how to implement it. I just find this

The source code of my project is here

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Re: How to use ibvlc_media_new_callbacks

Postby chouquette » 15 Mar 2017 21:44

libvlc_media_new_callbacks is meant to stream a media from memory, not from a file. You'd need to remove the intermediate temporary file for this to work I think.

That being said, couldn't you simply open your media using the v4l2 module? You're reading from a device, not memory per-se, and I don't see the need for libvlc_media_new_callbacks here.

New Cone
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Re: How to use ibvlc_media_new_callbacks

Postby aurquiel » 18 Apr 2017 15:03

libvlc_media_new_callbacks is meant to stream a media from memory, not from a file. You'd need to remove the intermediate temporary file for this to work I think.

That being said, couldn't you simply open your media using the v4l2 module? You're reading from a device, not memory per-se, and I don't see the need for libvlc_media_new_callbacks here.
I can't use v4I2 because i am developing the software at linux using libusb, i am controlling the device from the user space, that's why i want to use the media_new_callbacks function, for v4I2 i must write a driver for the device, the project works well far now so i don't see the necessity to trow all the development around libusb to write a driver .

I have a question, should i use media_new_callbacks in a new thread with a while loop after call it, or just run it at the main thread of my program and then pass the media to the player to play it?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: How to use ibvlc_media_new_callbacks

Postby aurquiel » 25 Apr 2017 18:48

By the way i share the solution for other users, they could improve it

At this way you will read from a buffer that comes from libusb with transport stream video

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int open_callback(void *opaque, void **datap, long unsigned int *sizep) { *sizep = 245760; *datap = opaque; return 0; } long int read_callback(void *opaque, unsigned char *buf,long unsigned int len) { procedimiento_retardo_milisegundos(60); //Delay waiting new data std::memcpy(buf,apuntador_al_buffer_recepcion_BTS, 245760); //Copy from archive return 245760; } void procedimiento_media_callbacks() { static libvlc_media_t *media = libvlc_media_new_callbacks( instancia_vlc, //Instancia vlc open_callback, //open media read_callback, //read media NULL, //NULL seak NULL, //NULL close apuntador_al_buffer_recepcion_BTS); //NULL libvlc_media_player_set_media(reproductor, media); libvlc_media_add_option(media, funcion_leer_id()); //Se coloca el Id del canal deseado a reproducir libvlc_media_player_set_media(reproductor, media); //Se coloca el medio media en el reporductor }
I don't put it in another thread

procedimiento_retardo_milisegundos(60); this is a delay of 60 ms

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