The VLC web plugin for Firefox 26 does not appear.

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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The VLC web plugin for Firefox 26 does not appear.

Postby MichaelIsGreat » 21 Dec 2013 19:46

I hope it is the correct forum to post these issues; if it is not, my apologies, as I rarely post on these forums.


1) First problem that I have: the VLC web plugin is not installed when I use the 64-bit version of the VLC Media Player.
I have a problem with the VLC web plugin for Firefox 26 (it is the 32-bit web browser, not the 64-bit web browser if such a version exists for Firefox), as it does not appear when I do in Firefox Tools, Addons, Plugins tab, as it should.
However, I must indicate that this problem seems to happen since I decided to download the 64-bit version of the VLC Media Player instead of the usual 32-bit version of the VLC Media Player.

During the setup of the 64-bit version of the VLC Media Player, it clearly showed that the VLC web plugin for Firefox and the equivalent (ActiveX) plugin for Internet Explorer were both selected for installation.

To confirm the lack of installation of my VLC web plugin for Firefox, I checked the following web pages:
---"Demo of VLC mozilla plugin" at
On this page, it clearly indicates: "A plugin is needed to display this content". BUT no download link for this VLC web plugin shows up nor any install plugin link either.
---"Testing the VLC media player Mozilla/Firefox plugin" at
On this page, it is the QuickTime plugin that is used instead of the VLC web plugin.


2) Second problem that I have: when the Firefox 26 browser is left opened, it prevents Windows 7 to go in a low power mode and blacken the screen after a certain period of time to save battery usage on a notebook.
This issue has been solved at previous versions and yet strangely it reappeared at other subsequent versions.

I would appreciate if someone could inform the developers to add this particular issue on their list of problems to solve in order to solve it at a later date. Many thanks for your help on this matter.


3) Third problem that I have: the VLC Media Player still cannot remember where a video played previously was stopped in order to restart it at the same position.
This feature is a very basic feature of any good media player and I am very surprised that VLC has never been updated to support this very basic and very useful feature.

I would appreciate if someone could inform the developers to add this particular issue on their list of problems to solve in order to solve it at a later date. Many thanks for your help on this matter.


4) Fourth point: I changed the assigned media player in Firefox to see if I could solve the failed test page.

In Firefox 26, in Tools, Options, Applications tab, for the content types associated with QuickTime ["Use QuickTime plug-in 7.7.4 (in Firefox)"], I changed them to the VLC media player "Use VLC media player 2.1.2 (default)".
Why the VLC media player 2.1.2 is stated in this Applications tab when in Firefox Tools, Addons, Plugins tab, the VLC web plugin does not appear at all?

Then I retested the web page "Demo of VLC mozilla plugin" at
But I still got the same message: A plugin is needed to display this content.

By the way, for the VLC web plugin latest version, is it version 2.1.2?
How could I check the latest version number of this VLC web plugin on a particular web page?


Again, many thanks in advance for any help you could provide on these issues and especially if you would not mind informing the developers to add these issues on their list of problems in order to solve them at a later date.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: The VLC web plugin for Firefox 26 does not appear.

Postby Eng-jr » 03 Jan 2014 22:07

Hello MichaelIsGreat -
As far as your first issue: you need to install the 32-bit version of vlc in order to get firefox to update the plugin info. Not the best info, I know but it does work.
You can read the discussion on the mozilla site here: ... 058?page=2

I had the same issue and am running firefox 26.0 and had originally installed the 64-bit vlc 2.1.2.

Hopefully, the VLC team will be able to correct the issue with the 64 bit program in the near future.

Your second problem is not a VLC issue and would be better investigated on the mozilla support forum. See above link.

Issues 3 - I will not be able to assist you with.

& Issue 4 - you should be able to find a discussion link to answer your questions about that topic in the the same message thread above.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: The VLC web plugin for Firefox 26 does not appear.

Postby sinoj123 » 17 Feb 2017 06:36

Can anyone know how to install vlc web plugins for firefox after installation of vlc player ?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: The VLC web plugin for Firefox 26 does not appear.

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 17 Feb 2017 20:19

Restart the VLC installer. This might not work with newer Firefox versions.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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