scaling 1080p on 4k screen

*nix specific usage questions
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scaling 1080p on 4k screen

Postby siddharth99105 » 29 May 2016 14:31


I am using VLC 2.2.2 on Ubuntu 16.04. When I watch a 1080p movie on my 4k monitor, the movie plays in a small box in the center of the screen. Is there a way to scale the movie to play in fullscreen? ... g.jpg?dl=0

Thanks guys for the wonderful work. I cant think of using any other player other an VLC now :)

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Re: scaling 1080p on 4k screen

Postby siddharth99105 » 08 Jun 2016 07:40

Just wanted to check if anybody has faced a similar problem on their 4K monitors?

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Re: scaling 1080p on 4k screen

Postby kmf31 » 02 Jul 2016 18:36

I observed the same problem (with vlc-2.2.2 on Ubuntu 16.04) on a laptop with internal screen of resolution 2560x1440. I don't know if this is a general vlc problem (for the branch 2.2.x) on Linux or only for this particular binary build on Ubuntu 16.04.

My solution/workaround: reduce artificially the resolution from 2560x1440 to 1920x1080 or even to 1280x720. This has also the advantage to have more reasonable size icons and other applications/fonts ...
Normally one should use for the Xorg driver the same resolution as the natural resolution of the monitor for best quality but on a small laptop screen 1920x1080 (with 2560x1440 natural resolution) is actually not so bad and for 1280x720 one has exactly 2x2 physical pixels for one logical pixel of the Xorg driver such that there are no artifacts (but indeed a reduction for HD movies which seems however of limited importance to me for a very small screen).

In Ubuntu the logical resolution is easily changed in the "Display" application.

If you have a 4K monitor the corresponding limitation to 1920x1080 should also work very nicely (also 2x2 physical pixels = 1 logical pixel) and also be better for other Ubuntu applications unless you have a screen of more than a 1 meter of size and 50 cm in front of your eyes ... Otherwise, with a bit more distance than that your eyes are physically unable to distinguish individual 4 K pixels (which correspond to an angle ~ 1 arc minute = 1/60 degree or less which is viewed as a perfect point by the human eye, i.e. the human eye can not distinguish two neighbor pixels). If you are sufficiently close to the 4K screen such that the eye can distinguish two neighbor (4K) pixels than the global angle of the screen is about 60-70 degrees which is too much for the brain to proceed it as "one" image, i.e. without concentrating on parts/sub-images.
This is by the way the fundamental problem of 4K anyhow ...

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Re: scaling 1080p on 4k screen

Postby abonec » 28 Jul 2016 17:51

I have the same problem and with 1080p on 4k screen. On startup it like here: ... 5.jpg?dl=0 and when I go to full screen it like here: ... 6.jpg?dl=0

At the same time any video in browser (flash or html5) works fine instead of vlc or mplayer that works the same as described above.

I use i3wm and xrandr options as xrandr --output eDP1 --mode 3840x2160 --dpi 228

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Re: scaling 1080p on 4k screen

Postby zeroepoch » 28 Dec 2016 09:57

I just wanted to comment that I'm seeing this exact same issue on Fedora 25 using Xorg and package vlc-3.0.0-15.20161221git634cd2e.fc25.x86_64 (from Even when playing a 4k video (big buck bunny) the video appears to be displayed as if the display was 1080p. I'm not sure how your would override that. Did any of you previous posters figure tthis out?

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Re: scaling 1080p on 4k screen

Postby zeroepoch » 28 Dec 2016 10:18

I found the problem I think... but I'm not sure how you properly fix it. It's related to QT automatic DPI scaling for people who have HiDPI displays like us. You can workaround the issue with the following environment variable.

Code: Select all

The only downside is that all the buttons are small since they are original size. At least it lets you plays videos in fullscreen without any border though.

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