How do you put libbluray into VLC?

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Mythical Malice
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How do you put libbluray into VLC?

Postby Mythical Malice » 16 Dec 2016 03:41

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (All current updates as of December 15th, 2016)
VLC 2.2.4 Weatherwax 64-bit
aacs folder with KEYDB.cfg added
libaacs.dll file added

So I'm trying to watch a blu-ray disc (Lone Survivor) using VLC and it's not working in the current configuration. So on the VLC website there is a page that talks about libbluray and how it can help with blu-ray playback. Unfortunately there is nothing listed that shows you what to do with the libbluray-0.9.2.tar.bz2 file that you can download from the page. I also cannot find anything online about how to do it on a Windows machine, only Linux. The most I have been able to figure out is that I'll have to compile it somehow but then I can't find where to go after that. Please help.

When I try to play the Blu-Ray disc in the current configuration, I get the following errors:
Blu-ray error:
No valid processing key found in AACS config file.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///E:/'. Check the log for details.

And the debug logger shows this:
[0000000003caedb0] logger interface: using logger.
[0000000003caedb0] logger interface error: error opening logfile `vlc-log.txt': Permission denied
[0000000003caedb0] core interface error: no suitable interface module
[0000000002921030] core interface error: interface "logger,none" initialization failed
src/libaacs/aacs.c:539: Error calculating media key. Missing right processing key ?
src/libbluray/disc/aacs.c:110: No usable AACS libraries found!
src/libbluray/disc/dec.c:197: aacs_open() failed: -3!
src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:78: Error opening registry key SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\
src/libbluray/bdj/bdj.c:460: BD-J check: Failed to load JVM library
[0000000003d560f0] libbluray demux: First play: 0, Top menu: 0
HDMV Titles: 2, BD-J Titles: 79, Other: 79
[00000000029d9820] core input error: open of `bluray:///E:/' failed

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Re: How do you put libbluray into VLC?

Postby bmeds328 » 10 Sep 2018 04:45

Those forums are a bit dated and don't pertain to your question about libbluray file, the .bz2 extension is a compressed file that can be opened in programs such as 7Zip, inside it is the barrage of pieces of code ,which is what I have yet to figure out how to use. My guess is you need to add it into the source files of VLC by getting its raw code and adding in the header files and whatnot from that one folder you downloaded. I do not know if it is able to be run in the releases of VLC, perhaps only in a C compiler like Visual Studio or something similar. Wish I knew more but we'll see if someone more knowledgeable comes along. :)

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Re: How do you put libbluray into VLC?

Postby ddeconin » 24 Jun 2019 19:28

+1 for loving to get a recent answer for this one ;-)

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Re: How do you put libbluray into VLC?

Postby candela » 24 Jun 2019 20:00

libbluray is included in VLC by default

The log above shows there is no key to decrypt the disc in keydb.cfg

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Re: How do you put libbluray into VLC?

Postby ddeconin » 28 Jun 2019 13:49

How about this issue? it seems libbdplus.dll is too old.. ? Is there a recent one?

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