Firefox ok, Opera Classic not: Can't login

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Blank Cone
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Firefox ok, Opera Classic not: Can't login

Postby videobruce » 05 Dec 2016 13:52

I hate to bring up what appears to be a very sore subject, but in my case one browser works, the other does not giving this useless No route found for "GET /ucp.php" cryptic error message.

Firefox v47 does not have the problem, Opera Classic v12.18 does. BOTH are on the same ISP (naturally), so it's not this 'spam block' issue. Before someone tells me v12.18 is dated, I use it simply it's the BEST browser interface ever made, Opera or otherwise with the most useful features and superior customized address bar. The only thing that comes even remotely close to it is Firefox which I use for these 'problem' sites. :evil:

Any workaround for this lame message that doesn't have to do with blocking ISP's ?? :(
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Firefox ok, Opera Classic not: Can't login

Postby Lotesdelere » 05 Dec 2016 14:09

No route found for "GET /ucp.php"
I had the exact same error message using Firefox and any other browser.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Firefox ok, Opera Classic not: Can't login

Postby videobruce » 05 Dec 2016 15:04

That is the problem most everyone else has in the 3 or 4 threads about the problem including the one that was locked. I understand the spam deal, but this 'fix' isn't going over very well. :roll:

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