I just updated from Fedora 19 to Fedora 25, and in the process VLC got buggy. Specifically, VLC won't show any interface or video or even a window outline; however it does start running, and it plays audio. I can find the running process and kill it to stop the audio, and when I do the frame of a window appears for an instant and then vanishes. I tried restarting the computer and uninstalling/reinstalling a few times.
I'm thinking the most likely issue is that I deleted a package I needed during the upgrade process and I don't realize it yet.
When I try to run from the console, I get:
[00007f4bf8005ee8] xcb vout display error: window not valid
[00007fc0403c648] core video output error: video output creation failed
[00007f4bf4c040b8] core decoder error: failed to create video output
Has anyone else run into something similar?
Edit: I also get a lot of lines line:
QXcbConnection: XCB error 3 (BadWindow), sequence 28651, resource id: 16777262, major code 1(CreateWindow), minor code 0
Edit2: It looks like this (https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?t=135609) might be the same issue. I don't seem to be able to downgrade though: I'm already on the lowest version, it says.
Code: Select all
$ rpm -qa | grep vlc
$ sudo dnf downgrade vlc vlc-core
Package vlc of lowest version already installed, cannot downgrade it.
Package vlc-core of lowest version already installed, cannot downgrade it.