Compression Problems recording Live TV

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Compression Problems recording Live TV

Postby denret » 01 Nov 2016 17:49

Running Windows 10 and VLC 2.2.2

I'm attempting to compress my recordings off of Live TV Capture through a cable box. I've tried every possible Compression profile available...I get jerky video or stalled video or no audio, or crash VLC. No success!

I can record raw data Avi just fine, but that creates a monster sized file, approximately 1gb per minute of recording.

If anyone has had success with compression off of Live TV Capture, I'd appreciate some feedback on the proper compression codec selection. Thank you.

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Re: Compression Problems recording Live TV

Postby Lotesdelere » 03 Nov 2016 11:02

Transcoding is somehow broken in recent builds, this is a known issue awaiting for a fix.
Meanwhile you should use an older version.

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