I am running VLC to play audio CDs from Rasbperry Pi 2 using Raspian Lite. My idea is to play without volume normalization, 100% volume, no-resampling.
The command I use is.,
vlc --audio-resampler=disable --audio-replay-gain-mode=none --no-audio-time-stretch --aout alsa --alsa-audio-device=hw:1,0 cddasimple:///dev/sr0
In spite of using --audio-resampler=disable VLC always ends up using ugly-resampler. I guess resampler never gets used because input & output are the same.
core audio output debug: input 's16l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
core audio output debug: conversion: 's16l'->'s16l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
I hope resampler never gets activated.
Since I don't explicitly use any filter for volume normalization I hope it is disabled.
Remaining is volume at 100%. Setting --gain=8.0 gave me distorted audio. Is there any other option to set to 100% volume ?
"volume" command in Lua prompt shows 256.