streaming multiple dvb-t programs instead of one

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streaming multiple dvb-t programs instead of one

Postby afekete » 14 Jul 2016 22:50


I am using VLC 2.2.4 on Win 10. I am using the following command

vlc dvb-t://frequency=514000000 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300 :program=101 :sout=#rtp{dst=,port=5004,mux=ts,sap,name=m4} :sout-keep

I am trying to stream 1 program only. The streaming launches. On the server side in the menu I can't select programs, so I guess on the server side the GUI thinks it is streaming only 1 program, but in reality on the client side multiple windows pop up trying to display multiple programs until VLC finally crashes. I can't select the desired program on the client side.

Can you please advise how to resolve this? Is this maybe a Windows related issue?


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: streaming multiple dvb-t programs instead of one

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 25 Jul 2016 11:37

:sout-all ?
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Re: streaming multiple dvb-t programs instead of one

Postby linka » 12 Aug 2016 19:33

I'm having the same issue (and I'm using GNU/Linux on both the server and the client). :sout-all doesn't solve it.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: streaming multiple dvb-t programs instead of one

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 Sep 2016 14:17

renove the :program part then.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: streaming multiple dvb-t programs instead of one

Postby afekete » 31 Oct 2016 19:53

I want to stream only the program 101. How would it help me to remove the :program part?
I found a topic here with similar problem,, advising to use
This is working partially, now the VLC won't crash on the client side and only the program I wanted is displayed, but the quality is not good. Both the video and the audio is breaking up, sometimes for multiple seconds.
I tried kmf31's advice to use separate ports for all programs, but it doesn't work, I assume there might be a syntax difference as kmf31 is using older version.

should this work correctly?

Code: Select all

vlc --program=101 dvb-t://frequency=514000000 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=5000 :program=101 --sout=#udp{dst=,port=1234,select="program=101"} --no-sout-all
is there a way to filter out every other program and stream out only the one I want?

New Cone
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Re: streaming multiple dvb-t programs instead of one

Postby afekete » 31 Oct 2016 20:47

moving back to 2.0.8 on Windows resolved the issue, command used

Code: Select all

vlc dvb-t://frequency=514000000 :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=5000 :program=101 --sout=#udp{dst=,port=1234}
no multiple channels, no quality issues, no need to add --no-sout-keep. With all this, I consider this a bug in the newer versions.

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