Postby michaelleewebb » 13 Aug 2016 21:48
this is what i get when i start vlc from the command line using the verbose option. i don't know who lua is but she seems to be missing something:
linux@ubuntu:~/vlc_build/vlc/bin$ ./vlc-static -vvv
VLC media player 3.0.0-git Vetinari (revision c8ee8ea)
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: VLC media player - 3.0.0-git Vetinari
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: Copyright © 1996-2016 the VideoLAN team
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: revision c8ee8ea
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: configured with ./configure '--enable-debug'
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: searching plug-in modules
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: loading plugins cache file /home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/src/.libs/vlc/plugins/plugins.dat
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc warning: cannot read /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/src/.libs/vlc/plugins/plugins.dat: No such file or directory
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/src/.libs/vlc/plugins'
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: loading plugins cache file /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/modules/plugins.dat
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: recursively browsing `/home /linux/vlc_build/vlc/modules'
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: plug-ins loaded: 469 modules
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: opening config file (/home/linux/ .config/vlc/vlcrc)
[00000000019e8918] core logger debug: looking for logger module matching "any": 3 candidates
[00000000019e8918] core logger debug: using logger module "console"
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: translation test: code is "C"
[0000000001ac09a8] core keystore debug: looking for keystore module matching "memory": 3 candidates
[0000000001ac09a8] core keystore debug: using keystore module "memory"
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: CPU has capabilities MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 FPU
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: Creating an input for 'Media Library'
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: using default timeshift path
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `/home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0000000001ab2448] core input source debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' location='/home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' file='/home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0000000001ab2588] core demux debug: looking for access_demux module matching "file": 17 candidates
[0000000001ab2588] core demux debug: no access_demux modules matched
[0000000001ab3b88] core stream debug: creating access: file:///home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf
[0000000001ab3b88] core stream debug: (path: /home/linux/.local /share/vlc/ml.xspf)
[0000000001ab3b88] core stream debug: looking for access module matching "file": 26 candidates
[0000000001ab3b88] core stream debug: using access module "filesystem"
[0000000001ab49c8] core stream debug: looking for stream_filter module matching "prefetch,cache_read": 11 candidates
[0000000001ab49c8] cache_read stream debug: Using stream method for AStream*
[0000000001ab49c8] cache_read stream debug: starting pre-buffering
[0000000001ab49c8] cache_read stream debug: received first data after 0 ms
[0000000001ab49c8] cache_read stream debug: pre-buffering done 296 bytes in 0s - 15213 KiB/s
[0000000001ab49c8] core stream debug: using stream_filter module "cache_read"
[0000000001ab58f8] core stream debug: looking for stream_filter module matching "any": 11 candidates
[0000000001ab58f8] core stream debug: no stream_filter modules matched
[0000000001ab58f8] core stream debug: looking for stream_filter module matching "record": 11 candidates
[0000000001ab58f8] core stream debug: using stream_filter module "record"
[0000000001ab2448] core input source debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' location='/home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf' file='/home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf'
[0000000001ab89f8] core demux debug: looking for demux module matching "xspf-open": 67 candidates
[0000000001ab89f8] xspf demux debug: using XSPF playlist reader
[0000000001ab89f8] core demux debug: using demux module "playlist"
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: `file/xspf-open:///home/linux/.local /share/vlc/ml.xspf' successfully opened
[0000000001ab8c88] core xml reader debug: looking for xml reader module matching "any": 1 candidates
[0000000001ab8c88] core xml reader debug: using xml reader module "xml"
[0000000001ab89f8] xspf demux debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: EOF reached
[0000000001ab89f8] core demux debug: removing module "playlist"
[0000000001ab58f8] core stream debug: removing module "record"
[0000000001ab49c8] core stream debug: removing module "cache_read"
[0000000001ab3b88] core stream debug: removing module "filesystem"
[0000000001ac94e8] core input debug: Destroying the input for 'Media Library'
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: creating audio output
[0000000001ab8bb8] core audio output debug: looking for audio output module matching "any": 6 candidates
[0000000001ab8bb8] pulse audio output debug: using library version 8.0.0
[0000000001ab8bb8] pulse audio output debug: (compiled with version 8.0.0, protocol 30)
[0000000001ab8bb8] pulse audio output debug: connected locally to unix:/run/user /1000/pulse/native as client #24
[0000000001ab8bb8] pulse audio output debug: using protocol 30, server protocol 30
[0000000001ab8bb8] pulse audio output debug: adding sink 0: alsa_output.pci-0000_02_02.0.analog-stereo (ES1371 / Creative Labs CT2518/ES1373 (AudioPCI 64V/128 / Creative CT4810/CT5803/CT5806 [Sound Blaster PCI]) Analog Stereo)
[0000000001ab8bb8] core audio output debug: using audio output module "pulse"
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: keeping audio output
[0000000001acb4b8] core interface debug: looking for interface module matching "hotkeys,none": 18 candidates
[0000000001acb4b8] core interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[0000000001aca558] core interface debug: looking for interface module matching "globalhotkeys,none": 18 candidates
[0000000001aca558] core interface debug: using interface module "xcb_hotkeys"
[0000000001a13c78] core interface debug: looking for interface module matching "dbus,none": 18 candidates
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: listening on dbus as: org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc
[0000000001a13c78] core interface debug: using interface module "dbus"
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0000000001aed288] core interface debug: looking for interface module matching "any": 18 candidates
[00007fbf8843d138] core generic debug: looking for extension module matching "any": 1 candidates
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Opening Lua Extension module
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/ .local/share/vlc/lua/extensions
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/src/.libs/vlc/lua/extensions
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/extensions
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/extensions/VLSub.lua
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Scanning Lua script /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/extensions/VLSub.lua
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/ share/lua/extensions/VLSub.lua has the following capability flags: 0x5
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/extensions/VLSub.luac
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Scanning Lua script /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/extensions/VLSub.luac
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/ share/lua/extensions/VLSub.luac has the following capability flags: 0x5
[00007fbf8843d138] core generic debug: using extension module "lua"
[0000000001aed288] core interface debug: using interface module "qt"
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting All properties
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property DesktopEntry
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting All properties
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: processing request item: rtsp://192. 168.1.10:554/user=admin_password=tlJwpbo6_channel=1_stream=0.sdp, node: null, skip: 0
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index 0
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: starting playback of new item
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: resyncing on rtsp://
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: rtsp :// is at 0
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00007fbf680009d8] core input debug: Creating an input for 'rtsp ://'
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: requesting art for new input thread
[00007fbf60000978] core art finder debug: looking for meta fetcher module matching "any": 1 candidates
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: IM: Setting an input
[00007fbf680009d8] core input debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
[00007fbf680009d8] core input debug: using default timeshift path
[00007fbf680009d8] core input debug: `rtsp: //' gives access `rtsp' demux `' path `'
[00007fbf58000d98] core input source debug: specified demux: any
[00007fbf58000d98] core input source debug: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='any' location='' file='(null)'
[00007fbf58000f58] core demux debug: looking for access_demux module matching "rtsp": 17 candidates
[00007fbf58000f58] core demux debug: no access_demux modules matched
[00007fbf580012e8] core stream debug: creating access: rtsp://
[00007fbf580012e8] core stream debug: looking for access module matching "rtsp": 26 candidates
[00007fbf580012e8] core stream debug: no access modules matched
[00007fbf58000d98] core input source error: cannot access rtsp: //
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/.local/share/vlc/lua/meta/fetcher
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/src/.libs/vlc/lua/meta/fetcher
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/fetcher
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/fetcher/tvrage.lua
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: dead input
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: nothing to play
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/linux/vlc_build /vlc/share/lua/meta/fetcher/tvrage.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/ share/lua/meta/fetcher/tvrage.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/linux/vlc_build/ vlc/share/lua/meta/fetcher/tvrage.luac
[00007fbf60000978] core art finder debug: no meta fetcher modules matched
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: searching art for rtsp: //192.168.10:554/user=admin_password=tlJwpbo6_channel=1_stream=0.sdp
[00007fbf60000978] core art finder debug: looking for art finder module matching "any": 2 candidates
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[0000000001a13c78] dbus interface debug: Getting property CanRaise
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/ .local/share/vlc/lua/meta/art
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/src/.libs/vlc/lua/meta/art
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua scripts in /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/00_musicbrainz.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/00_musicbrainz.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/00_musicbrainz.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/00_musicbrainz.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/ vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/01_googleimage.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/ linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/01_googleimage.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/01_googleimage.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/01_googleimage.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/02_frenchtv.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/02_frenchtv.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/02_frenchtv.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/02_frenchtv.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/03_lastfm.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/03_lastfm.lua
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: Trying Lua playlist script /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/03_lastfm.luac
[00007fbf60000978] lua art finder debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) /home/linux/vlc_build/vlc/share/lua/meta/art/03_lastfm.luac
[00007fbf60000978] core art finder debug: no art finder modules matched
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: art not found for rtsp://
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: IM: Deleting the input
[00007fbf680009d8] core input debug: Destroying the input for 'rtsp://'
^C[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: removing all interfaces
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: exiting
[0000000001aed288] core interface debug: removing module "qt"
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: deactivating the playlist
[0000000001ab8bb8] core audio output debug: removing module "pulse"
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: requesting exit...
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: waiting for UI thread...
[00000000019e8588] core libvlc debug: exiting
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: QApp exec() finished
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: Video is not needed anymore
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: Killing extension dialog provider
[0000000001aed288] qt interface debug: ExtensionsDialogProvider is quitting...
[00007fbf8843d138] core generic debug: removing module "lua"
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: Deactivating all loaded extensions
[00007fbf8843d138] lua generic debug: All extensions are now deactivated
[0000000001a13c78] core interface debug: removing module "dbus"
[0000000001aca558] core interface debug: removing module "xcb_hotkeys"
[0000000001acb4b8] core interface debug: removing module "hotkeys"
[0000000001acb758] core playlist debug: destroying
[0000000001acc268] core playlist export debug: saving Media Library to file /home/linux/.local/share/vlc/ml.xspf.tmp7877
[0000000001acc268] core playlist export debug: looking for playlist export module matching "export-xspf": 4 candidates
[0000000001acc268] core playlist export debug: using playlist export module "export"
[0000000001acc268] core playlist export debug: removing module "export"
[0000000001ac09a8] core keystore debug: removing module "memory"