Album art problem

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Album art problem

Postby GaryM44 » 22 May 2016 18:38

First, this is not a problem with VLC *per se*, but with Windows 10.

When selecting an audio file --- these are all FLAC or WAV files, not MP3s --- and telling windows to "Open with . . ." one of the available players, the selected player opens and begins to play the file, but with the wrong cover art. This only occurs for the albums of about six artists out of > 100 in my music library. Songs from all the others open with the correct art. This occurs with VLC and all the other players I have installed.

My library is organized with a folder for each artist, and a sub-folder for each of their albums. Each album sub-folder includes a cover image named "cover.jpg." But VLC and all the other players open songs from the albums of those six artists with the wrong cover art, ignoring the "cover.jpg" file in the folder. For all those artists and all players the art displayed is the same --- the cover art from Carol Kidd's "Dreamsville" album.

I have deleted that image from the "Dreamsville" sub-folder. But Windows has apparently cached it somewhere else, and all the players are loading it from that cache. I've deleted all the thumbcache files in AppData. I've searched AppData and all of C: drive for all image files. That Kidd cover image is not showing up anywhere. I've deleted the art files in \AppData\vlc, and even uninstalled VLC, removed all of its directories, and re-installed. I also set VLC to NOT download any cover art. But when I select the re-installed player to open one of those corrupted albums, it opens the %$^&!# "Dreamsville" cover image. I've used "\Media Information\Add cover art from file" within VLC to select the correct cover art. VLC immediately replaces the image, but the next time I open that file with the "Open with . . ." command, VLC again displays the "Dreamsville" cover. Aaargh!

I also have three UPnP servers installed which feed audio files to other audio systems in the house (Foobar2000, WMC and UMC). They also feed the "Dreamsville" art for those six artists.

So my question is . . . From WHERE is VLC (and all the other players) loading that file? If I can find the image file I can delete it, and perhaps force Windows to rebuild whatever database it is feeding to the players.


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Re: Album art problem

Postby Lotesdelere » 23 May 2016 16:22

Either something is going wrong on your system considering all players act the same, or the covert art is embedded inside the file.

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Re: Album art problem

Postby Brackenbrack » 03 Jun 2016 04:31

If you searched the forum for the very same query you are using "album art" you would find the solution. ... rt#p438063

Go to the directory where your media files are and delete 2 files.

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