Playlist Playback

iOS, iPad, iPhone, tvOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Playlist Playback

Postby Solidsnk64 » 27 May 2016 22:30

I am having trouble getting a playlist to open properly on my Apple TV 2. When using UPnP or SMB server access I know the .m3u files are filtered. The furthest I've gotten is doing the Remote Playback from my Mac and copying the .m3u file to the Apple TV 2. The file will copy as well as be visible. However, when I open the file it says it cannot find the files because the playlist was created on a Mac. So it tries to find the files via /Volumes/HDD/etc etc.
The iOS app is awesome but it would be even awesomer to create a list of various files, TV shows, movies, etc. and then play through them. Thanks for the help!

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 27 May 2016 22:22

Re: Playlist Playback

Postby Solidsnk64 » 27 May 2016 22:37

Also shortcuts/alias folders not getting filtered out would be another great feature for organization and ease of use.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Jun 2016 05:27

Re: Playlist Playback

Postby hpcx » 27 Jun 2016 05:30

Yes, can we please have support for .m3u playlist files on SMB play? I have various videos that are organized in folders and I would love to have the ability to create a playlist that has videos from different folders.

Thanks for providing us with a great app!

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