Blurry terminal fonts in playback - h264.

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Blurry terminal fonts in playback - h264.

Postby michalpl7 » 15 Mar 2016 23:29


I've discovered weird issue related to playback of sharp console/terminal recorded video.

It's putty terminal session recorded with OBS.

Text should be bright and sharp, instead it's blurry and dark.

There is no such problem when I play the same video for example in PotPlay.

Here are samples:

VLC - this one is broken
POT - this one is fine

I was experimenting with some options of H264 ( quality, filter etc ) and Display ( hardware / software ) with no success.

Maybe someone has idea what is wrong? Source file is fine because PotPlayer has no problem with that.

Vlc version is 2.2.2. I've tried also this with nightly 3.0.0 and there is sharper ( but still not so bright ).


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Blurry terminal fonts in playback - h264.

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 16 Mar 2016 08:49

This means there is some resizing going on. Please share the files.
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Re: Blurry terminal fonts in playback - h264.

Postby michalpl7 » 16 Mar 2016 09:58

Here You are: ... s.mp4?dl=0

Click download directly on right.

Players test:

VLC - Dark and blurry
Alloy Player - Dark but sharper

PotPlayer - OK
SM Player - OK
TOK Player - OK

About resizing - important note i test it only in original 1:1 size ( it's not resized ).

New Cone
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Re: Blurry terminal fonts in playback - h264.

Postby michalpl7 » 12 May 2016 10:31


Seems that VLC 2.2.3 solved this issue.


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