Postby ssbmaccom » 29 Mar 2016 15:56
I was able to build a libTVVLCKit.a till about one week ago, due to compilation issues when building the gsm contrib part. I hope this gets fixed soon. Reason is, that while building code.c in the contrib gsm a missing prototype of memcpy causes the build to fail (because of -Werror option). Just copy a prototype of memcpy manually, then it builds.
After cloning VLCKit to your local machine, use a GUI-based git utility and create a local branch based on the last commit end of december. My TestFlight reports has given this as the most reliable version of libTVVLCKit.a (best performance even sometimes crashing). This "backport" uses an older version of libVLC sources, which require some small changes (live555 contrib has to be updated and one change in VLCKit). You can find the required changes when browsing through the commits using the git GUI utility.
After building libTVVLCKit.a with Archive option (to keep bitcode), the lib shrinks down to about 240 kB after stripping non-external symbols.
This is the version my App (vuplusTV) is built with for the AppStore release. The App has a download size of less than 18 kB, as the linker removes "dead" code, that is not used/referenced.
I could share the special backport version I prepared of libTVVLKKit.a, but my upload speed is very poor, so it takes several hours to upload the file. Maybe someone can provide a public server for downloading the lib once uploaded (or someone at videolan is pushing the version to the nigthly servers). But anyway this version comes with a big disclaimer - it is not proven except for the things I use it for.