Pitch Shifter/Changer

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
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Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 27 May 2013 20:28

Hi, any chance to be able to see in the future a pitch shifter/changer/modifier in VLC for Windows?
Any news of it?

'Bout audio features, I think it's only one feature that it is not implmeneted yet. I mean, there's not another audio request to do. Done AB loop, speed changer, only right/left channel... So a pitch shifter is the next step in audio features.

I totally love this player, REALLY!!! :D

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Jun 2013 23:54

So you want adjust the pitch, but without the speed change?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 08 Jun 2013 05:09

So you want adjust the pitch, but without the speed change?
Of course, that's it!

I play in a band, and we use VLC in our sessions/practice, playing backing tracks and songs mainly. But we have to use other player (AIMP2) when we wanna play some songs that are not tuned in standard. So we have 2 options:
1. Re-tune all our instruments
2. Use AIMP2 to change the pitch.

A lot of bands play in many different tones: standard E, drop D, C#... And it's a pain in our hands to retune our intruments each time we want to play some different material. I'll tell you how the tuning works, if it can helps:

Music is tuned by tones. Normally, the MINIMUM amount of pitch that you can change is 1/2 tone (0.5).
Because it's really hard to distinguish a note (for example, note A) and a note 1/3 (0.33) tone higher or lower, or 1/4 (0.25)...
As you may know, there are 7 musical notes: A, B, C, D, E, F and G, or in Latin: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si. After G (Si), it comes again A (Do).
Now, between each one of those notes there is 1 tone, EXCEPT AFTER "B" and "E", where is just 1/2 tone. So we got this:
1. A
2. A sharp/B flat
3. B
4. C
5. C sharp/D flat
6. D
7. D sharp/ E flat
8. E
9. F
10. F sharp/ G flat
11. G
12. G sharp/ A flat

Each line sum +1/2 of tone. So between A and A sharp there's 1/2 tone. Between A and B there's 1 tone. Between B and C there's 1/2 tone. Between G and B there's 2 tones. B sharp and E sharp don't exist (well, they would be C and F respectively).
As you see, we have a total of 12 different "sounds".
So, what's the problem?
Well, the standard global tuning is called "Standard E", line 9th (don't mistake with the "standard pitch", which is note A). The problem is that a lot of bands TUNE DOWN their instruments and use D sharp tuning, or D, or C sharp tunings.
Oh, I see, so you would have to tune down/up yours to play it. But... how could it be solved?
It could be easily fixed if VLC had an option that change the pitch "X" 1/2 tones up/down. Nevertheless, some bands, rarely, tune their instruments 1/4 tone up/down. So the perfect feature would be that one that change the pitch in 1/4 of tones.
Nice, but what is 1/2 tone, how can I say to the computer that it must change 1/2 tone?
Well, here comes the frequency. First, you have to know that there are infinite "A" notes. Why? Because once you've reached the G sharp, the next note is A, and you start again. And that's why there are numbers after the notes. For example: A4, C5, F3 sharp, G9... Those numbers stands for the high the note it is. For example, G9 is a G note that is so high. The CENTRAL number is 4. And the standard note is A. So the central/standard pitch is A4. Why? Because A4 is the A in one of the strings of the guitar, and it's a bass string note too. A4 is the central pitch, not too high, not too low.
The number changes after the B. So after B3 (remember it doesn't exist B sharp) it comes C4. After G6 sharp it comes A6.
Ok, so just tell me how many frequency (Hz) is 1/2 tone and I got it
Error! 1/2 tone is not a constant frequency. There's NOT the same frequency between "A4 - A4 sharp/B flat" and "D sharp/ E flat - E".
What? Both of them are 1/2 tone!!!
Yeah! But the frequency varies: between C2 and E2 (2 tones), for example (2 number means low notes), there's much more frequency than between C8 and E8 (as well 2 tones, but much less frequency between them).
What can I do?
There's a formula/ecuation that solve all of this, BASED in A4 (standard pitch):

frequency = 2^(n/12) x 440

Where "n" means the number of "1/2 tones" you've change. For example, the standard pitch is A4, and this formula is based on it, so lets calculate the frequency of A4 (5th string in a classical/electric 6 string guitar, 4th string in a 4 string bass):

2^(0/12) x 440 = 2^(0) x 440 = 1 x 440 = 440Hz

So A4 is 440Hz. Lets calculate C5:

A4 - A4 sharp/B 4 flat - B4 - C5 (remember the number changes after letter B). So there's 3 semitones.

2^(3/12) x 440 = 523.2 Hz

Now lets calculate 3 semitones DOWN A4 to see if the frequency is the same. A4 - G4 sharp/A4 flat - G4 - F4 sharp/G4 flat:

2^(-4/12) x 440 = 1/(2^(4/12)) x 440 = 349.23Hz

3 semitones UP: 523.2 - 440 = 83.2Hz
3 semitons DOWN: 349.23 - 440 = -90.77HZ

As you can see, the frequency varies: between A7 - A7 sharp there's less frequency than between A1 - A sharp.

Ok, so what I should do?
Just use the formula to get the freq of 6 semitones more, or 19 more.

Sorry if it seems hard to understand, I've tried my best...

New Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby markes » 09 Aug 2013 00:19

i'm a musician too and all this can be interesting *but* there is a major issue with what you said:

notes "A" thru "G" are "LA" thru "SOL" *ABSOLUTELY NOT AT ALL* "DO" thru "SI".
It means that A# (A sharp) *is* LA# (LA diesis)...

that's it m8

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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby Jatune » 22 Nov 2013 02:49

I would love to see that feature in VLC too, i waited for it long time ago!. I think you can check some Winamp plugins to see how it works, there are a few of them:
-Pacemaker >> http://www.winamp.com/plugin/pacemaker/12689
-Take It Easy >> http://www.winamp.com/plugin/take-it-easy/146357
-Chronotron >> http://www.winamp.com/plugin/chronotron-v3-5a/138562
-Fourier Pitch Tempo Control >> http://www.winamp.com/plugin/fourier-pi ... rol/130624
-Slow Me Down >> http://www.winamp.com/plugin/slow-me-down/21827

See how they work, all have something different, from the rest. Winamp is now almost dead, so i hope you can integrate this features in VLC because is the best player i saw, i love it!

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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby mederi » 22 Nov 2013 13:14

Perhaps Nyquist could help VLC developers to implement various effects like it does in Audacity:
http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Downl ... t_Plug-ins

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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby jonAus » 01 Jan 2014 12:30

Hi - I'm also very keen on this feature - wondering if it's likely to be worked on anytime soon?
(Apologies if I should be checking elsewhere for this - I'm new to this forum)

New Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby jonAus » 02 Jan 2014 10:49

forgot to mention, it would be ideal if the pitch were continuously variable - rather than in semitones or quarter tones. Some recordings, especially older ones can be just a little out of tune - so when playing along with these, it helps to tweak the pitch just a little bit. That said, the most common usage would be to adjust the pitch by semitones, so this should be easy too.

Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 02 Jan 2014 11:24

Hi, I think adjust pitch by quarter tones should be enough for those old ones you're talking about. Nevertheless, it would be perfect a continuously variable pitch changer. But if you do this, make sure it's easy to change by semitones o quartertones (do not create a super cool bar slider with zero functionality, where it's impossible to change to the pitch exactly you want).


New Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby jonAus » 03 Jan 2014 11:34

Thanks - I'm trying to use this as an ActiveX control through VB.NET. I'd really like continuously variable pitch in that context. In the VLC player, I agree, quarter tones would be as granular as you'd want to go.
At the risk of going off topic, I'm not sure I can progress with VLC anyway - I keep running into problems with it bringing up an extraneous direct 3D output window. I've seen other postings on this topic but can't see any resolution. Very frustrating because otherwise it looks like a very promising tool.

New Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby huzzam » 05 Mar 2014 12:54

YES, please. Such a control would be extremely valuable for musicians. And it really should have continual variability, as some mentioned, for the ability to tune recordings made slightly sharp or flat. Also, the ability to make precise adjustments (i.e. +/- 1 cent per interaction) would be critical. Perhaps a control where the down/up keyboard keys transpose down/up one semitone, and shift+down/up moves by 0.01 semitone (1 cent).

For example, I'm working on some music from a tv show, where the music is slightly more than a half step flat. I do have a program to pitch shift audio, but it's so very useful to see the video simultaneously to hearing the audio. Alas, at the moment I don't have a way to hear pitch shifted audio simultaneously to seeing the video.

Bonus points if VLC could REMEMBER the designated pitch shift PER VIDEO between launches. But I'd settle for the core feature.

Also, please add to the Mac version, as well as Windows :)

thanks for all your hard work
~peter in Istanbul

Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 05 Mar 2014 19:58

Hell yeah, we all musicians are screaming loud "We want a precision pitch shifter in VLC". And yeah, many many songs aren't just a whole tone down, but a whole tone and a little flat. So it would be pretty useful to have not just +- 1/2 option, but a +- 1/8 or something like that.

I love VLC!

PD: I remember here another feature related to musicians:

1. Apply the filters on-the-go, I'm talking about the karaoke one. Right now, I have to restart VLC to apply changes so karaoke get activated.

2. Another feature related to this one is a better way to activate filters. Right now, I have to go setting/all/filters/karaoke. I'd like to add a button to the interface bar so it can activate/deactivate karaoke filter (or any filter I link to it). Just like all the stuff I've added to it: tempo changer, snap, menu, A-B...

3. The opposite of karaoke: if karaoke turns down or even delete vocals from songs, I'd like to use another filter that does exactly the opposite, turn down all the background but the vocals.

I know how to do this with Audacity:
First you load a track
Then you split the stereo track, so you have 2 tracks
Then you make 'em mono, cuz they're left/right channel
Then you take one and INVERT it

When you listen to the 2 of them, it's like karaoke. When you mute the NON-inverted one, you have a filter that's like the opposite of karaoke. That's what I'm looking for in VLC.

Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 04 Jun 2015 14:56

Any news about this feature?

We want it so hard. I've just discovered that you can play YouTube videos with VLC. Imagine that you can simply play any backing track or video of YouTube through VLC and adjust the pitch to the one you have in your instrument. Damn, that'd rock so hard.

Abus Bambus
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby Abus Bambus » 05 Jul 2015 16:26

I second this request, pitch shifting would be so useful, especially for Guitar lesson videos... I have a Floyd Rose system on my guitar, so you can imagine I don't want to change my tuning for every song.

Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 05 Jul 2015 18:14

I second this request, pitch shifting would be so useful, especially for Guitar lesson videos... I have a Floyd Rose system on my guitar, so you can imagine I don't want to change my tuning for every song.
Ouch! That's hurts. But hey, even If you have a normal bridge, it's a pain in the *ss to re-tune your guitar.

Yeah, this feature us highly demanded. I personally want it so hard.

New Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby Chamo1948 » 13 Jan 2016 11:07

So you want adjust the pitch, but without the speed change?
Yes ,yes, yes please!!!

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 13 Jan 2016 11:18

So you want adjust the pitch, but without the speed change?
Yes ,yes, yes please!!!
You listen to him :mrgreen:

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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Feb 2016 23:52

Maybe :)
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby Aliby » 16 Apr 2016 02:07

This would be great. Playing with songs originally in one key and played in another.

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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby ne0ge0 » 15 Jul 2016 21:19

Bump for this - especially for karaoke tracks :)

Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby ne0ge0 » 16 Aug 2016 19:41

Bump for progress...

Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby ne0ge0 » 20 Sep 2016 18:06

Bump for progress...

Blank Cone
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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby rambo » 20 Sep 2016 19:41

Hahahaha, it's sad we have to wait so much time in order to see changes we want. But it's what it is, the quick solution would be spend our time learning how to programming and stuff.

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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby ne0ge0 » 21 Sep 2016 21:59

That's true!

Though an indication whether a feature is even being considered would be good.

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Re: Pitch Shifter/Changer

Postby ne0ge0 » 22 Oct 2016 09:50

Bump for progress...

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