Playing DVDs/Blu-rays on Apple TV from a folder structure?

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Playing DVDs/Blu-rays on Apple TV from a folder structure?

Postby herrde » 13 Apr 2016 10:23

Hi everybody,

after finding out that now there's VLC for tvOS (so excited about this!), I'm trying hard to find a definite answer for my question -

Can VLC for Apple TV play a whole DVD or Blu-ray folder/file structure (meaning a DVD VIDEO_TS folder or a Blu-ray BDMV folder) which is located on my iMac via LAN so that I get the original disc chapter menus on my TV screen that I can flip through using the Apple TV remote?

To clarify, I know that this probably won't work with DRM and copy-protected DVD/Blu-ray material, but that doesn't matter as I'm not interested in ripping retail discs. I'm actually looking for a way to stream my own self-made videos that I authored as DVDs and/or Blu-rays in order to get nice menu screens, navigationals functions etc.

It would be very nice if somebody could let me know if the above is possible with VLC for Apple TV. I know that it's NOT possible with e.g. Plex AFAIK.

Thank you!


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