Issues with MobileVLCKit (Nightly)

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Issues with MobileVLCKit (Nightly)

Postby thanosth » 05 Feb 2016 19:34

Hello everyone,

I have some issues I can't get around with MobileVLCKit on iOS (MobileVLCKit-UniversalBinary-20160204-0547). I am on iOS9 and Swift.

- I need to be able to know when a stream cannot be played, either because the url is not valid or for any other reason. I tried checking `VLCMediaPlayer.state` but it won't (ever) be `VLCMediaPlayerStateError` so I can present some sort of user friendly error. Any workarounds?
- `VLCMediaPlayerStateBuffering` is kind of useless. The state is getting set to `VLCMediaPlayerStateBuffering` when the player is buffering the remote media but doesn't switch to some other state, preferably `VLCMediaPlayerStatePlaying` when it plays smoothly. Effectively, I cannot show a loading spinner or something when the video is buffering.
- When the remote video stops or the streaming stops working mid-streaming, the `drawable` view of `VLCMediaPlayer` always displays the last frame. Is there any way to sort of purge/clear the drawable view?

Any ideas? thanks!

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Re: Issues with MobileVLCKit (Nightly)

Postby shawon_rejaul » 18 Sep 2016 12:02

Following the issue, same here in objective C. Also sometimes grey screen appears. By drawable did you mean that ? The video freezes a long time and then play although the official vlc player can easily play stream without freezing. Actually there is a little chance of you getting reply here...... :(

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Re: Issues with MobileVLCKit (Nightly)

Postby ssbmaccom » 19 Sep 2016 14:18

Maybe an issue with encrypted or previously encrypted streams (like Pay-TV after being decrypted by the CAM)?
Try later VLCKit build, this has been fixed recently. Was caused by VLC now interpreting the scramble flag, but some CAM cards to not clear the flags correctly. Felix has added a workaround for that. I had this with recordings from SkyHD on Satellite Receivers.

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