trackinfo incorrect for 720p stream

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trackinfo incorrect for 720p stream

Postby ssbmaccom » 16 Jan 2016 18:25


I am using MobileVLCKit for tvOS. So far mostly fine.
After a rebuild a few days ago, I found this one.

Looking at the trackinfo of the video track of 720p stream (ARD HD streamed from my Settopbox) the result is:

Code: Select all

2016-01-16 18:09:47.613 vuplusTV[6374:3637017] track info { bitrate = 0; codec = 875967080; "frame_rate_den" = 1; "frame_rate_num" = 100; height = 720; id = 0; level = "-1"; profile = "-1"; "sar_den" = 1; "sar_num" = 1; type = video; width = 1280; }
A PAL-stream (576i] looks like this:

Code: Select all

2016-01-16 18:10:22.024 vuplusTV[6374:3637017] track info { bitrate = 0; codec = 1986490477; "frame_rate_den" = 1; "frame_rate_num" = 25; height = 576; id = 0; level = "-1"; profile = "-1"; "sar_den" = 45; "sar_num" = 64; type = video; width = 720; }
Basically almost fine.
The values for "frame_rate_num" are fine, but for a progressive stream "frame_rate_den" should be 2. This will then result in 50 fps (what is actually used at playback).

Before my local rebuild, the values were correctly.

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: trackinfo incorrect for 720p stream

Postby ssbmaccom » 21 Feb 2016 10:23

I added a ticket but no progress on it :-(
But I got a more urgent one... see new thread.

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Re: trackinfo incorrect for 720p stream

Postby fkuehne » 22 Feb 2016 16:13

May I ask why you need that feature besides for statistical purposes? (it should be fixed still, but that's another topic).
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: trackinfo incorrect for 720p stream

Postby ssbmaccom » 19 Sep 2016 15:05

Popping this up again.
Still VLCKit is reporting incorrect track info for 720p streams like ARTE HD from a tv receiver.
It is still reported as 100 / 1 fps, but I assume it should be 100 / 2 = 50 fps.

I could live with the fact, that this info is displayed incorrectly, but it looks like libVLC internally is also fooled by the info.
Usually libVLC is disabling deinterlacers, when a progressive stream is played (depends on the auto-enable option).
So my assumption would be, that for a 720p stream no deinterlacing is used, regardless what I pass to [self.mediaplayer setDeinterlaceFilter:<NSString or nil>].

But the deinterlacer is always enabled, maybe because libVLC doen't know, it is progressive but it thinks it is a interlaced streams with 100 frames per second.

As result the performance penalty is higher, playback may drop and the quality is poorer.
I also can only "guess", if it is a progressive stream and then disable deinterlaceing by code.


Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: trackinfo incorrect for 720p stream

Postby ssbmaccom » 03 Oct 2016 14:54

Popping it up again once more.
I verified the issue with VLC 3.0 for Mac, and same behavior there. Progressive Streams (PAL 720p) are shown with 100 FPS as well, compared to VLC 2.2.x
I post on the appropriate Section as well. Just to bring this one to your attention as well.

See update and screenshot in

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