This bug basically lets you enter a Negative Number, such as -3 into the “check for updates” box. See the Included Screenshots.
I found this bug several months ago, and have decided to wait and post it on October 21, 2015, because it's “Back to the Future Day” Thought this would be the perfect time to report this bug. Anyway, here are the steps to get the time mach…… er..... I mean VLC Media Player to reproduce this bug.
Open Up VLC on your Windows PC.
Go to Tools>Preferences
Go to the Privacy / Network Interaction Section, and check the “Active Update notifier” Checkbox.
On the “Every # Days” Box, decrement it to a negative number, such as -10,952
Click Save
*Connect your Windows Laptop with VLC still open to your DeLorean’s Auxiliary Flux Capacitor Port
*Drive to an empty Mall, Preferably Twin Pines Mall
*Insert Plutonium into the DeLorean
*Drive at Approximately 88 Mph in a straight line
*Prepare to see some serious Sh*t
*Indicates Optional Step. Also YMMV