hey I have a local samba share, and it works perfectly, I can view all the files on it fomr any computer or samba compatible device, I can play the mp4 files through the regular player in my iphone 6+, when I click the avi files, my file browser (literally called FileBrowser the pro version tho) its highly rated, and worked perfectly like 2 weeks ago when I last tried using it, but today when I click stream to vlc vlc opens but nothing happens not sure whats going on? my samba share is fine the files are all readable i can connect to the share in my file browser no problem just the files that vlc specifically plays it wont play :S not sure whtas going on
if I copy the temp link created in FileBrowser and manually paste it into vlc network stream location the files will play, where before all I had to do was clikc stream to vlc, not sure whats happened
also anybody know how I cna get ac3 working on the iphone?