How can i detect when there is no data to play in http stream mode?

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How can i detect when there is no data to play in http stream mode?

Postby xcdix666 » 23 Aug 2015 10:16

I am using libvlc to play video with http over network. When data is not available, player stops playing and hangs at http access Read function. How can i detect this hangs? When this happened i need to show some info. I know i can simply write some wrapper around standart http access, BUT, when input thread hangs at access->Read player can still play some demuxed data, how to detect when player is not playing and waiting for data from network? sorry for my english.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: How can i detect when there is no data to play in http stream mode?

Postby xcdix666 » 23 Aug 2015 10:24

Now i am using es_out_Control(out, ES_OUT_GET_EMPTY, &es_empty) solution. But it is veeeeeeryy hacky. And buggy.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 23 Aug 2015 10:02

Re: How can i detect when there is no data to play in http stream mode?

Postby xcdix666 » 23 Aug 2015 12:41

maybe i can use ES_OUT_GET_WAKE_UP ? please somebody help :)

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