How to install VideoLan 0.7 on Suse 9

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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How to install VideoLan 0.7 on Suse 9

Postby pronerd » 07 Feb 2004 19:19

I noticed there were a lot of postings asking how to install VLC on Suse. It took me about 4 days to work out all of the details. I have posted the steps I went though to save the next guy some time. This will probably not work for everyone, and I am sure that there are better ways to do it. The only issue I have noticed so far with this install is that I can not get VLC to use other skins. When I try it crashes.

If you run into dependences that I did not cover there are list of extra librarys you may need at : ... 9-fc1/vlc/

Here are the steps :

1.First I wanted to make sure that ALL of the development and multimedia libraries that came with my distribution were installed. To do this
- Start YAST
- Select Install and remove software
- From the drop down menu marked filter select package groups
- If any of the packages under development or multimedia are not checked install them.

2.Install libdvdcss and libdvdplay from :

3. Download vlc-binary.tar.gz, redhat9-updates.tar.gz

4.Unzip and untar these files. They are placed in a directory called vlc When I tried to install these files a list of broken dependencies was returned. I installed the following list of files to satisfy all of the dependences.


5.When I tried to run the installation again I got an error stating there was a conflict with the existing Mozilla installation. I was using firebird any way so I uninstalled mozilla.

rpm -e mozilla

6.When I ran the installation this time it was successful!!
rpm -U *.rpm

7.Type in vlc at the command line VideoLan started. Now I can use my AAC, MP3, and AVI files!!

8.LESSONS LEARNED : I made this MUCH harder than it needed to be by not reading enough up front. The vlc team did a great job of providing most of the libraries I needed if I had taken the time to look. Also on the VLC redhat download page there is a file called vlc-devel.tar.gz that most likely had many of the files I needed.

I hope this helps..........

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 08 Feb 2004 22:29

The crash is probably caused by an older wxGTK version. Try updating that.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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wxGTK did not help

Postby pronerd » 14 Feb 2004 19:31

I in stalled wxGTK-gl-2.4.0-52.i586.rpm which required the following :


VLC still crashs when I try to chang skins. The command line retunrs :

> vlc
VideoLAN Client 0.7.0 Bond
[00000197] main interface error: no interface module matched "skins,none"
Segmentation fault

Is there a newer version of wxGTK?

Big Cone-huna
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Postby Gibalou » 15 Feb 2004 14:54

VideoLAN Client 0.7.0 Bond
[00000197] main interface error: no interface module matched "skins,none"
Segmentation fault
This means that the skins plugin wasn't found. No idea why though (maybe you didn't install it or it isn't provided in the rpm packages??).

The crash is a bug in wxWindows. Basically the library doesn't like to be stopped/reinitialized, which is what happened because the skins plugin is not there so vlc tries to restart the wxWindows interface.

I sent a bug report to the wxWindows guys and even provided them with an explanation of what was going on and a work-around fix but they didn't seem interested in fixing this :(


skins interface not included in RPM's

Postby jpsaman » 15 Feb 2004 20:09

As the subject says the skins interfaces are not enabled/included in the RPM packages. To get rid of this bug you need to build VLC yourself. This is not that daunting task, if you installed all the devel RPM's with this release. Including tan updated libxml2.

I uploaded new libxm2 RPMS for RedHat and Fedora Core-1 to the testing/contrib directory. Here is the complete link:
Use to upgrade: rpm -Uvh libxml2-*.rpm

If you'd like to recompile VLC using RPM's but with skins/skins2 support. All you actually need to do is install the source RPM found here: ... t1.src.rpm
and change the ./configure line the specs file. Replace the --disable-skins2 with --enable-skins and --enable-skins2.

Then type in the SPECS directory: rpmbuild -ba vlc.spec
(on fedora and RH at least and I hope SuSE uses the same RPM version)


Additional information about building VLC from RPM

Postby jpsaman » 16 Feb 2004 22:27

On Fedora Core 1 (RH) I had to make two symbolic links to built the mozilla plugin. These are (as root of course):
ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4.1 /usr/lib/mozilla
ln -s /usr/share/idl/mozilla-1.4.1 /usr/share/idl/mozilla

Make sure you haven't installed mozplugger*.rpm if so move it then to your /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4.1/plugins directory from /usr/lib/mozilla. And now all should be fine and built without errors.

This information should also be valid for SuSE 9 only the mozilla version used could be different, be ware of that and check before you act!!!


Best place for buy Internet software

Postby Alexandra » 17 Jun 2004 15:56


I have some troubles with displaying software site.

May be somebody can tell me why it does not displayed in my browser (IE 6.0).

It is very important for me to get information from this site.

Sorry if i've choose wrong topic for my question.

Thanks you.

The DJ
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VLC version: git
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Postby The DJ » 18 Jun 2004 01:27

And this would be a good place to ask because...............?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Don't use PMs for support questions.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Location: Kansas City, MO

Any one else see a hack here

Postby pronerd » 18 Jun 2004 16:52

Oh well lets all just surf on over to the site using only IE of cores.

HHHmmmm Any one else think this screams scam. Like say a site takes advantage of the new IE active x bug? This domain registers back to Russia which of cores is I am sure were we all buy our software.

If in fact this is just a case of a post in the wrong list then try using Mozilla, or Firefox. And in the future post your questions on a appropriate forum.


Top 20 Wealthiest Soccer clubs

Postby duko » 19 Jun 2004 00:24

Topics containing links to people's sites are unneeded and contribute nothing as a whole, much like topics containing content like this one. You could have PMed a moderator and asked this same question and received the same response. Please do so in the future.

The Unknown

Postby The Unknown » 08 Aug 2004 02:21

:twisted: wtf
I dont want to install a player that tooks 4 hours

I use Linux Sus 9.0 and i have real probs with that ?

The DJ
Cone Master
Cone Master
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Postby The DJ » 08 Aug 2004 15:32

Well thats what you get when noone steps up to provide official SuSE packages.
Don't use PMs for support questions.


How to install VideoLan 0.7 on Suse 9

Postby Fibber » 04 Oct 2004 15:33

I follow this way (hope it helps):

First I got this files: libdvdplay-1.0.1-73.i586.rpm

then i updated this files:

from the previous versions

then i installed all the files...and it works !!


the fedex man

development packages

Postby the fedex man » 07 Oct 2004 07:44

o man- i can not install all of my development packages- there is to many and i don't have a lot of HD space. (8 gb) I got suse professional 9.1
Does anybody know the names of the development packages that i need to install?


help help please :(

Postby deepdark » 04 Jan 2005 15:13

after instyalling the 686 rpm and all libraries i dont have a icon in start menu and i tryed to run from shell and here is the info what is wrong please help me:

vaio:~ # vlc
VLC media player 0.8.1 Janus
[00000237] skins2 interface error: Cannot open display
[00000237] skins2 interface error: Cannot initialize OSFactory
Remote control interface initialized, `h' for help


VLC 0.8.1 Intallation

Postby ER » 08 Feb 2005 21:42


I am a simple user in the Linux world and I would like to use the VLC player. I have been trying to install the latest VLC player on a SuSe 9.0 i686 machine in the past 2 days w/o any luck yet...
I got the apt4rpm working, which should make life easier (Wroks great - See here for details: ... pt4rpm.php)

FYI, I used the following sites to get the relevant (I hope) RPMs:
This forum (1st one) ... n=377&vn=6
and few more...

When I use the apt-get install XXX, I get a message that I have the latest version of XXX. Can someone PLS give an advice?

This is the last RPM install screenshot:

> rpm -ivh

warning: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 27db6f5b
error: Failed dependencies:
arts >= 1.2.1 is needed by
db1 >= 1.85 is needed by
freetype2 >= 2.1.7 is needed by
glibc >= 2.3.3 is needed by
kdelibs3 >= 3.2.1 is needed by
libcddb >= 0.9.5 is needed by
libcdio >= 0.69 is needed by
libffmpeg0 >= 0.4.9 is needed by
libgcc >= 3.3.3 is needed by
libid3tag >= 0.15.1b is needed by
libmpeg2 >= 0.4.0b is needed by
libogg >= 1.1 is needed by
libstdc++ >= 3.3.3 is needed by
libtheora >= 0.9_1.0alpha3 is needed by
libvorbis >= 1.0.1 is needed by
lirc >= 0.7.0cvs20040308 is needed by
mad >= 0.15.1b is needed by
ncurses >= 5.4 is needed by
qt3 >= 3.3.1 is needed by
udev >= 021 is needed by
wxGTK >= 2.4.2 is needed by

Cheers :)


Re: Best place for buy Internet software

Postby Guest » 30 Jun 2005 17:37


I have some troubles with displaying software site.

May be somebody can tell me why it does not displayed in my browser (IE 6.0).

It is very important for me to get information from this site.

Sorry if i've choose wrong topic for my question.

Thanks you.
Alexandra - DURA!!!!!


install a player.....

Postby mocoi » 17 Aug 2005 05:55

:twisted: wtf
I dont want to install a player that tooks 4 hours

I use Linux Sus 9.0 and i have real probs with that ?
LOL. Have you thought about asking that Kid down the street, .....Could have it all set for you in 3-5 min...(Can't think on how to do something,...get a kid to do it.) ;)


Compile on x64

Postby Felix42 » 30 Sep 2005 23:23

I tried to get VLC compiled on my SuSE 9.3 x64 system. I took these steps:

1. export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/X11/lib64
2. Edit configure and search for "opteron". Remove it. Should look like this then:
elif test "${target_cpu}" = "x86_64"; then

3. ./configure
4. make

Then I run in to exactly the following problem:

As far as I understand the error message, there is no assembler code for the 64Bit platform yet, right?



Postby Felix42 » 01 Oct 2005 18:19

For Linux 64Bit users: check out 0.8.4-test1. Compiles without problems!


i just got suse linux 9.3...

Postby Linbecile » 31 Oct 2005 20:48

helo there all...
i just installed 9.3 and was looking for a media player that could handle mov(quicktime), wmv(mediaplayer) and so on..

please bear in mind that im a Linbecile, Lintarded.. a Lidiot... ive truly no clue of how to type crazy letters and numbers to make my computer do stuff, as im a recovering windowholic. im addicted to point and click, and to installers automatically popping up after download with lots of "NEXT" and 'OK' buttons. my mind groans "mmmm install shield" like homer simpson for donuts.

so what do you highly Lintelligent beings suggest i do, and dont say go back to windows, you woudnt tell a junkie to go back to crack... window makes people stupid as it steals your soul and gived the NSA backdoors and junk.

well ok then, i await your guidance and luminescence... thank you


configure fehler

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2005 15:04

ich bin ganz neu im linux...

version: SuSe Linux 10

ich habe versucht den vlc zu installieren

dabei sollte ich libmad installieren.
und dann hab ich noch madplayer installiert.

dabei bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:

*** You must first install libmad before you can build this package.
*** If libmad is already installed, you may need to use the CPPFLAGS
*** environment variable to specify its installed location, e.g. -I<dir>.

was muss ich tun?
wenn ich den madplayer installieren kann, geht sicher auch der vlc, oder

ich hab im libmad-verzeichnis unter <user-name>/bin/libmad-0.15.1b/ ./configure aufgerufen
das lief ohne probleme durch.
jetzt gibt es unter dem verzeichnis ein eintrag: mad.h
aber das macht ja irgendwie keinen sinn, dass diese library direkt in dem verzeichnis angelegt wird.
es sollte doch irgendwo bei /lib angelegt werden oder?

wie kann ich dem libmad sagen, dass es in dem entsprechenden system-verzeichnis angelegt wird und welches ist das?

wenn libmad richtig installiert ist, sollte ich doch auch madplayer und vlc ohne angabe irgendwelcher flags und optionen zu installieren sein, oder?

mfG CHris


Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2005 22:13

Now again in english... :)

I'm the biggest Newbe in Linux :) ...

Version: SuSe Linux 10

I tried to install vlc.

Then I had to install libmad.
And then I installed madplayer.

but I get following error:

*** You must first install libmad before you can build this package.
*** If libmad is already installed, you may need to use the CPPFLAGS
*** environment variable to specify its installed location, e.g. -I<dir>.

What I have to do?
If I would install madplayer without problems, I could easy install vlc.

I installed libmad the following way:
I unpacked it in <user-name>/bin/libmad-0.15.1b/
and entered ./configure

there were no problems
there is a file: mad.h in this dir
but why is there no entry in /lib

how can I configure a package so that there is a entry in /lib

greetz CHris


Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2005 06:58


Unresolved Dependancies & vlc

Postby vlc-trama » 13 Nov 2005 14:05

Has anyone gotten vlc to install on SuSE 10 (OSS or retail versions)?

I've tried following the previous post but installation still fails due to many
missing dependancies. The latest YaST attempt returned the following unresolved dependancies list:

vlc requires
vlc requires
vlc requires
vlc requires
vlc requires
vlc requires
vlc requires

Any help locating / installing these dependancies greatly appreciated.

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