Weirdness in file chooser...

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Weirdness in file chooser...

Postby mannionpatrick » 22 Jul 2015 23:26

hi -

Long time VLC for IOS user here, back to the "first" time it was available...

I'm on a non-jb iPad running 8.4 & 2.6.2. I'm seeing some weirdness with the file chooser. As an example, I presently have three episodes of a tv show on there - episodes 13, 14, and 15. 13 has an all-black thumbnail, while 14 & 15 have the "correct" thumbnail. When I try to play 13, 14 starts; when I try to play 14, 15 starts instead. Interestingly, when I try to play 15 the correct file plays.

Any ideas?

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Location: Germany

Re: Weirdness in file chooser...

Postby fkuehne » 25 Jul 2015 10:25

This is very weird. Can you delete the app, re-sync your media and try again?
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: Weirdness in file chooser...

Postby mannionpatrick » 31 Jul 2015 21:42

Ok - deleted, rebooted, reinstalled, then re-downloaded the three files. On the initial screen I see two folders now, one says two files and the other says three. Opening the two-file folder, the correct file opens based on the display name and thumbnail. In the three-file folder, all three files appear but the first one has a black thumbnail and the same behavior continues...

Notably, the two files in the two-file folder are the same ones that have thumbnails and play from the three-file folder. Also, these are three completely different files than I had used when submitting the earlier note above...

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