Hi Felix,
Thank you, I have tested it, and now part of the problem is fixed but not completely... I will try to explain:
before 2.6.0:
failure opening a stream --> you were redirect to che calling app (specified url)
clicching on done (after a failue or during play)--> you were redirect to che calling app (specified url)
all thes treams except AC3 were opened without problem
version 2.6.3:
failure opening a stream --> you ramain in VLC app
clicching on done (after a failue or during play)--> you ramain in VLC app
a lot of streams ar not opene anymore (mmsh for example)--> error message appairs on the screen and if you click OK you are not redirect to the calling app
So, I can resume them in: It seeems that the stream urls specified in the url scheme uri don't work and VLC is not able anymore to play a lot of streams that before were working
I hope is clear.
If you need I open a defect for that just let me know.
P.S. in order to help you more, there is a way to enable log files? or better can I test the VLC IOS APP on mac without having to pay the 99 dollars to Apple , please let me know, I wuld like to help...
P.P.S. if you need some urls for testing purpose, I can send you in private message, please let me know.
Thank you
Have a nice day