Documentation on VLC ActiveX

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Documentation on VLC ActiveX

Postby MRTrevorF » 08 Nov 2005 03:10

I've got VLC ActiveX up and running as a component and am now looking into implementing it. Very exciting for me :) I can't find much documentation on the site or the forum beyond files relating to the HTML implementation of the component. Most of the keywords line up fairly well, but I was hoping for some clarification. Following are the methods and properties that I isolated as belonging specifically to this component. Where I have them, my questions are marked in bold:

AddTarget(uri As String, options As Object, mode As AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode, position As Integer)
- uri = path to desired file
- Must be "Nothing" right now
- mode = Append, AppendAndGo, CheckInsert, Insert, InsertAndGo, Replace, ReplaceAndGo

AutoLoop() As Boolean
- true = movie will loop endlessly
This doesn't seem to do anything...??? True or False I get one play through only

AutoPlay() As Boolean
- true = file will begin playing once it is loaded by default

CtlVisible() As Boolean
- ???
No idea what this is - in the Design view of VB.NET setting this to false takes away the pylon in the form, but the pylon is still present when I run the program

DoVerb(verb As Integer)
- ???
What is this?

- sets movie to Full Screen Mode

getVariable(name As String) As Object
- ???
What is this?

- hides object from user

Length() As Integer
- Read Only property - the length of the movie, in seconds

MRL() As String
- the path of the file currently being played Is this correct?

- pause movie

- play movie

- play movie twice as fast as current speed.
By my examination, 8x is the fastest...?

Playing() as Boolean
- returns True if object is playing a movie.
This always returns True, whether something is playing or not?!?

- Clears the object's play list

playlistCount() As Integer
- Read Only property, the number of items in the playlist

playlistIndex() As Integer
- Read Only property, the index of the currently selected playlist

- play next item in the playlist

- play previous item in the playlist

- play movie half as fast as current speed
By my examination, 0.13x is the slowest...?

Position() As Single
- ???
This seems to be some decimal value corresponding to the Time() value

Scale(ratio As Single)
- method to increase or decrease size of viewer relative to its current size

setVariable(name As String, value As Object)
- ???
What is this?

- displays control to user

- displays the control's About page
This doens't seem to do anything

- displays the control's Property page
This doens't seem to do anything

shuttle(Seconds as Integer)
- ???
What is this?

- stops movie

Time() As Integer
- Get or Set the current location in the movie, in seconds

- Switch Mute On and Off

VersionInfo() As String
- ??? I haven't tested this, but can guess what it does/should do

Volume() As Integer
- set or get the volume of the object Range(0-200)

Finally, is there an area devoted to these types of questions, or are they fine in this forum? I don't want to be taking up space in the wrong place.

Also, I'm using 0.8.5 BETA - perhaps that isn't the best one to be experimenting with, or is it stable??


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 11 Nov 2005 14:59

Postby jared1999 » 11 Nov 2005 15:10

You didn't specify where you found the methods, but to be precise the list can be found in vlccontrol.h:

Code: Select all

// IVLCControl methods STDMETHODIMP play(void); STDMETHODIMP get_Visible(VARIANT_BOOL *visible); STDMETHODIMP put_Visible(VARIANT_BOOL visible); STDMETHODIMP pause(void); STDMETHODIMP stop(void); STDMETHODIMP get_Playing(VARIANT_BOOL *isPlaying); STDMETHODIMP get_Position(float *position); STDMETHODIMP put_Position(float position); STDMETHODIMP get_Time(int *seconds); STDMETHODIMP put_Time(int seconds); STDMETHODIMP shuttle(int seconds); STDMETHODIMP fullscreen(); STDMETHODIMP get_Length(int *seconds); STDMETHODIMP playFaster(void); STDMETHODIMP playSlower(void); STDMETHODIMP get_Volume(int *volume); STDMETHODIMP put_Volume(int volume); STDMETHODIMP toggleMute(void); STDMETHODIMP setVariable( BSTR name, VARIANT value); STDMETHODIMP getVariable( BSTR name, VARIANT *value); STDMETHODIMP addTarget( BSTR uri, VARIANT options, enum VLCPlaylistMode mode, int position); STDMETHODIMP get_PlaylistIndex(int *index); STDMETHODIMP get_PlaylistCount(int *count); STDMETHODIMP playlistNext(void); STDMETHODIMP playlistPrev(void); STDMETHODIMP playlistClear(void); STDMETHODIMP get_VersionInfo(BSTR *version); STDMETHODIMP get_MRL(BSTR *mrl); STDMETHODIMP put_MRL(BSTR mrl); STDMETHODIMP get_AutoLoop(VARIANT_BOOL *autoloop); STDMETHODIMP put_AutoLoop(VARIANT_BOOL autoloop); STDMETHODIMP get_AutoPlay(VARIANT_BOOL *autoplay); STDMETHODIMP put_AutoPlay(VARIANT_BOOL autoplay);
Sorry but I can't help you with your questions. I'm also struggling with a problem myself regarding how to switch audio and subtitle tracks in the activex control on the fly. I'm guessing it involves using setVariable() but I have no idea what variables are available, or where in the source I can find them. Any help is most appreciated.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby Pflaume » 11 Nov 2005 17:33

to switch the audio track:

X = VLC.getVariable("key-audio-track")
VLC.setVariable "key-pressed", X

to switch the subtitle:
X = VLC.getVariable("key-subtitle-track")
VLC.setVariable "key-pressed", X


Postby Guest » 13 Nov 2005 00:37

Do you know how to obtain the same ting as Vlc launch options:
"--http-charset=ISO-8859-1 --sout="#std" --sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --sout-standard-url= --sout-ts-pid-video=68 --sout-ts-pid-audio=69 --sout-ts-pid-spu=70 --sout-ts-pcr=80 --sout-ts-dts-delay=400 --subsdec-encoding=ISO-8859-1 --sout-transcode-maxwidth=720 --sout-transcode-maxheight=576 --wx-systray"
with Active X,
It seems i ought to use Set/Get parameters so "sout-standard-access" for exemple doesn't work.


Postby Guest » 13 Nov 2005 00:37

Do you know how to obtain the same thing as Vlc launch options:
"--http-charset=ISO-8859-1 --sout="#std" --sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --sout-standard-url= --sout-ts-pid-video=68 --sout-ts-pid-audio=69 --sout-ts-pid-spu=70 --sout-ts-pcr=80 --sout-ts-dts-delay=400 --subsdec-encoding=ISO-8859-1 --sout-transcode-maxwidth=720 --sout-transcode-maxheight=576 --wx-systray"
with Active X,
It seems i ought to use Set/Get parameters so "sout-standard-access" for exemple doesn't work.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 11 Nov 2005 14:59

Postby jared1999 » 18 Nov 2005 13:32

Thanks! It works nicely. But what if I want to set a track directly? In my setup I have a web page where one selects the tracks to play, and I'd like to set those directly in the ActiveX control without having to cycle through a number of tracks.

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